Forks Over Knives Analysis

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The film “Forks over Knives” is a film that urges the public to change from an animal-based diet to a plant-based diet. Throughout the film there are statistics and stories from people showing how people who consume a large amount of animal products have a greater chance of having heart problems and getting diabetes. They have doctors and professors examine the cause and effect of having an animal-based diet and then examine how many diseases can be prevented and even treated by consuming a plant-based diet.
I found this film extremely enlightening for many reasons. The statistics of the prevalence of certain diseases in countries that primarily ate animal based food compared to those that did not was the most shocking to me. The fact that about forty-percent of Americans are overweight was something I found to be completely horrifying. The amount of sugar and processed meat that Americans consume continue to rise tremendously as the years go by and if something is not done to cut back on the rising number, more people will be overweight or suffer from cardiovascular diseases.
From this film it can be seen that most Americans are not properly educated about the dangers of the food they consume or are not aware that they can get …show more content…

It was also troubling that when one of the women that had switched to a plant-based diet started feeling better and asked her doctor if she should stop taking her medication, had her doctor advise her to not do so. A quote that they used in the film from an Ancient Egyptian Proverb that goes, “One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive”, correctly shows how much of what we eat benefit only doctors and meat and dairy based

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