Forensic Scientist Research Paper

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Rachel Miele 5/21/15 2nd Forensic Scientist Being the power and brains behind whether or not a murderer serves the time they deserve or not is all up to you. As a Forensic Scientist you’re given evidence in which you preform tests, and a few other things in order to solve the crime. When I was younger I remember turning on the television to watch NCIS, a popular crime investigation television show. The minute I was shown how just one piece of hair could solve a homicide I was instantly hooked on the idea of becoming a Forensic Scientist. Since science is always changing, new things will be appearing every day. Change is good, I don’t want a job that is the same boring thing every day, I want …show more content…

“Since there are so many different types of forensic degrees that can be earned It is a good idea to know what exactly you’re planning on wanting to do from the get go.” (Bill Miller/ Picking forensic degrees) A lot of entry level forensic science jobs look for a bachelor’s degree in natural science or forensic science. A few courses usually taken in those 2-4 years include Criminal justice, natural science, physics, digital forensics, mathematics, toxicology, and biochemistry. While you can still get a well-paying job with a bachelor’s degree, “Some people move on to get there masters due to the greater amount of pay and ore job opportunities.”(Ellie Williams) Some classes most people focus on when they continue to their masters is crime scene, lay/science interface, handwriting, DNA analysis, and fingerprints. “A lot of people work with their bachelors at first then they go back to school and get their masters a few years later, and there is nothing wrong with that.” (Jude Baum/ Forensic Science …show more content…

Say for instance, a car leaves skid marks at the scene of a crime, due to leaving in a bit of a rush. Getting the precise measurement can help determine what type of car might have been involved. By using the equation v- k, where d= length of the skid marks and k= constant based on the car, and friction end of the road as well as v= velocity. If you’re at a crime scene and find a foot you would need to take measurements such as weight, length, and density to calculate how much the foot makes up of the body. Them from there is becomes easier to determine the height and weight of the female of male. ( Phil Williams/ Math and measurement) Geometry comes up when we talk about Ballistics. Ballistics refers to the trajectory of a projectile in flight. Ballistics is studied in three different ways. First off we analyze the type of gun and bullet used. Once we do that we measure the scratches and bruises in the bullet caused by when the object shot the bullet out of the gun, when it was fired. Due to geometry we are able to, recreate the exact crime that was committed. (Scientific assistant/ Regional forensic science laboratory

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