Forensic Science Personal Statement

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Everybody’s brain is unique, and works in different ways. One person may not be able to spell, but may excel in mathematics. Another person may not be able to compute algorithms, but may write beautiful essays. This diversity allows society to flourish. Sometimes, however, a person’s abilities and interests are incongruent. Such is my personal case.
Growing up, math and science were subjects that did not come as easily to me, though chemistry truly fascinated me. In high school, I became interested in forensic science. After establishing this interest and taking relevant classes, I found an essay that I had written in elementary school about forensic science. I had forgotten about that essay, or ever having an interest in the subject before high school. Upon reading about my prior curiosity in it, I decided that it was a sign that I should pursue a degree in that field. Since it was not my strong subject in school, I took a leap of faith and decided to major in both chemistry and criminology. The criminology major allows my creative side to thrive, while the chemistry major challenges my computational skills. I have been faced with many trials, and found myself questioning if I should change my major to English – a subject at which I knew I was capable. Instead of changing my major, I …show more content…

Though I know this goal will be challenging for me, I am resolute as ever to follow that dream. I was granted the opportunity to take a tour of the Idaho State Police Forensics lab, during which my fascination of the field was exponentially elevated. The excitement of the tour has led me to pursue an internship opportunity with the Idaho State Police. The crime lab recently moved facilities, so cases are not currently being taken. I am working hard to become an intern once the new facility is running at full

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