Football Argumentative Essay

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Football was pioneered in its original form as Rugby. In 1823, 16 year old student, William Webb Ellis found it in himself during a game of soccer, formerly the football of that era, to catch the ball with his hands and run towards the goal. Thus, Rugby and then eventually, Football was born. Many may have seen this as act of rebellion, an act to rise against the concrete rules of society, we call these people ‘overthinkers’. Many did not realize it at the time but this simple act was in fact, an act of artistic expression, an act of setting the rules anew in order to pave new ground and set new boundaries for a new era to enjoy in the new world which will have its place in the world as, America. Parents should let their children play football due to the fact it supports everything that someone needs in order to survive in the American capitalist system.

According to CNN, Football does have risks but so does going outside your door in the morning, many would say it’s worth the risk in order to grant the social and developmental skills that football acquires. Many do not realize that Football is the pinnacle of American sports. It emphasizes the freedom that is making a play that …show more content…

Football gives children an early hobby to pick up and strays them away from making horrible decisions in life due to already having experience that translates from the field onto the real world. Parents should have the choice to let their children play football as they would never know if it could evolve into their future career through the experience they gain by playing the said sport. This being said, it should be noted that children should have a say in the decision, while parents should be allowed to enroll their kids in any type of sport, forced enrollment is selfish and should never

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