Food Deserts

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Healthy food access has been an issue reported among people living in food deserts. A food desert is characterized as an area with a limited access to quality, low cost and nutritional rich foods. People in poorer economic neighborhoods purchase their groceries on a budget. Their budget determines how much food they can buy to last an entire month. The lack of grocery stores within neighborhoods affects the health of people within food deserts. A food desert is an area lacking grocery stores within a mile distance. (Whitley 2013).
A major contributor to limited food access in a desert is car ownership. People are not able to get as much groceries for their home if they are limited to public transit. Getting food to their home is a difficult task especially in a lower income neighborhood where safety may be an issue as well. If safety is an issue a person needs to purchase their foods in the day time during the operation of public transit to avoid becoming a victim of assault as well. (Tach and Amorim 2015).
In a longitudinal study the health of 1169 African-Americans and 1322 Caucasian people were studied to view their risk to cardio vascular health. Part of the study was to view if participants were aware of their healthy and unhealthy food habits. The study included information …show more content…

A food mirage is when someone thinks there is healthy food available but the only options are process and premade foods loaded with sugar, salt and high cholesterol. A program that has helped people with purchase food is the supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP). People eligible for the program must fall below the federal poverty level in order to receive benefits. (Shannon 2014). People are not aware that even though they are working they may qualify for the program to supplement and protect against food

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