Fitness And Wellness Study Guide

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Chapter 1: Understanding Fitness and Wellness
 Wellness is a state of optimal health that encompasses all the dimensions of well-being
 Wellness can be reached by doing a healthy lifestyle like for example proper nutrition, physical activity, eliminating healthy behaviors, and an emotional and spiritual balance.
 The eight components of wellness
• Physical wellness:
 Maintaining a healthy body weight
 Achieving physical fitness
 Proper nutrition
 Practicing self-exams and personal safety
• Emotional wellness/mental health:
 Your social skills, positive communication relationships, self-esteem, and the ability to handle your stress.
 Your ability to respond to life situations in an appropriate manner
• Intellectual wellness:
 Keep …show more content…

• Primary goals
 To maintain a high quality, and longer live
 To reduce the risk of injury and premature death
 To achieve healthy equity
 Eliminating disparities/ differences
 Improvement of health of all groups
• Objectives
 To reduce the part of adults who engage in no activities in their free time
 Reduce death rates from breast cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma
 Increase the proportion of physician office visits that include counseling or education related to nutrition or weight
 Increase the number of states with nutrition standards for foods and beverages that provide to pre-school aged children in child care
 Increase the number of adolescents who are connected to a parent or other positive adult
 Reduce the amount of people engaging in binge drinking an abundance of alcoholic drinks
 Increase the percentage of older adults who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventative services
 Increase the proportion of adults who get an ample amount of sleep
 Physical activity vs. Exercise
• Physical activity
 All physical movement, regardless of energy …show more content…

Then sign the contract, with a supportive person.
 Set short-term and long-term realistic goals, or SMART goals
 Specific
 Measurable
 Attainable
 Realistic
 Time frame
 Self-Monitoring
 You should analyze your behavior it helps identify triggers that reinforce negative behaviors and it brings awareness of your positive behaviors
 Relapse prevention
 Identify high risk triggers and develop a plan
 Self-reinforcement
 Reward yourself when you meet goals, it should be appropriate
 Identify barriers
• Identifying your personal barriers is a key element in relapse prevention
• The common barriers include:
 Lack of

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