First Drug Forever

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Beethoven’s moonlight sonata was gradually becoming audible from a secret speaker of solitude. Then everything seemingly flowed to the slow yet elegant piece as if it were not meant to be in harmony but destined. Waking to classical piano is a subtle and soothing pleasure that radiated throughout his whole body – that moment shattered as he passed the hall corner of his normal two story home…The burgundy coffee mug slipped from his mother’s fingertips falling at a constant rate in unison with every keystroke of the graceful composition. C-Sharp never sounded so shrill until the true final chord of this decelerated memory ended with the shattering of not only the cup but also a mother’s hopes for her eldest son and possibly her youngest as well. She had just finished reading the front page article headlined atop the Chicago Tribune titled “First Drug Forever”…And this begins how to world changed dramatically through the viewpoint of an average high school senior, who is your typical indecisive teenager, meet Kevin James. Unsure of the current matter at hand Kevin rushes to his mother’s side, confused at why now scarlet shards were scattered across the tile floor drowning in a dark steaming creek of coffee. Following her piercing gaze Kevin finally notices the newspaper within her gentle grasp. He begins skimming the only article on the page,” In the year 2029 the world changed – for better or for worse – but the common man made that decision. This was the year when medical professionals, pharmacies, and the FDA decided to make every drug super potent. Nearly every prescription drug as well as illicit recreational drugs was made so strong that they changed the brain’s molecular structure in a way that it would make the effects of th... ... middle of paper ... ...ot surprised to see him. “I guessed that they would send the kids home from school, the phone call from the superintendent confirmed it”, said Michelle, Kevin’s mother. The news was on T.V. and the newscaster was describing the nationwide turmoil; Schools were closing due to last minute teacher’s institute days, businesses were firing employees in massive groups due to drug testing, riots were happening in all the major cities supported by the families of druggies. Then there was an emergency broadcast that went into effect. It stated that there would be new government funded rehab facilities opening up within the next few days. Also that there is now a cure being researched and it should be available for purchase within the next six months. With graduation in the near future Kevin realized what his calling in life was. He thought to himself, “What would Gandhi do?”

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