Finland, a country in northern Europe. Finland is a Nordic country
situated in the geographical region of Fennoscandia, which includes
Scandinavia. With a population of 5.48 million (2016), has roughly
stayed the same over the past two decades. Finland is a parliamentary
republic with a central government. It joined the European Union on
January 1 1995.
Following the 1917 Russian Revolution, Finland declared itself as an
independent country. However in 1918 the fledging state was split by
civil war. During WWII the Soviet Union had repeated attempts at
occupying Finland. With the Finno-Soviet Treaty signing it gave some
leverage to the Soviet Union. Finland joined the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1969, the NATO
Partnership for
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Peace in 1994. Finland was a relative latecomer to industrialization, remaining a largely agrarian country until the 1950s. It rapidly developed an advanced economy while building an extensive Nordic-style welfare state, resulting in widespread prosperity and one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.
Miscalculated macroeconomic decisions, a banking crisis, the collapse
of its largest single trading partner (The Soviet Union) and a global
economic downturn caused a deep early 1990s recession in Finland. With
a median age of 42.7 years, Finland has one of the most mature
populations. Half of the voters are to be over the age of 50.
Finland is a country with thousands of lakes and islands. The area
with the most lakes is called Finnish Lakeland. The most islands are
found in the Archipelago Sea. Many of the geographical features of
Finland are from the Ice Age. Having been compressed by the enormous
glaciers the land steadily rises about 1cm (0.4in) a year. Because of
this the Old Sea little by little turns to dry land. Finland grows in
size about 2.7 sq mi annually. Long story short Finland is rising from
the sea. Turning away from geography, Finland is a large producer of
wood. Including pine, spruce, birch and other species. The most common
type of rock is granite. Moraine or till is the most common type of
The climate of Finland stays for the most part very cold reaching only
77 degrees Fahrenheit in a heat wave! During the winter the
sun doesn’t rise for 51 days straight and during the set for more than 73 consecutive days. Scientists reefer to this as the Midnight Sun. With summer lasting from late May to mid-September for the south, however in the north winters last over 200 days. Although most of Finland lies on the Taiga belt the southernmost coastal regions can sometimes be classified as hemiboreal. The Constitution of Finland defines the political system. It came in force March 1 2000 and was amended on March 1 2012. Citizens can vote and run in parliamentary, municipal and presidential elections. The current president was elected from the ranks of the National Coalition Party, first time since 1946. In conclusion Finland is a interesting country. Everything about it has something that makes you wonder about how it is. Hopefully I answered those questions of yours and made you interested in Finland. With this essay I have came to wonder about Finland. Aside from this project I am going to do additional research on Finland. -Matthew Longest (4A)
The winter was pretty harsh it was pretty cold and it was snowy. The Climate in the area that the Aztecs lived in was hot and dry. They lived in the desert. It was very hoot and very dry but they knew how to live with it. Geography and Location
Ana-Mauríne Lara’s Erzulie’s Skirt positions the female body as the scene where lives are interconnected across history and as a dissertation of the human condition. Her protagonists, Micaela and Miriam, tell a story of love, struggle, and survival that echoes the historical significance of slavery and the Caribbean middle passage across time and space. Divided into several sections based on time and location, one particular period in Lara’s novel connects Micaela and Miriam’s experiences most closely with slavery as a whole. After a voyage across the Mona Strait as an attempt to escape from the conditions in the Dominican Republic, they find themselves captured, trapped in a brothel, and forced into prostitution. Many parallels can be drawn to interpret Lara’s use of the brothel as a metaphor for the slave ships used to travel across the original Middle Passage, including the comparable use of people as commodities, the specific imagery and language Lara uses, the historical narrative presented at the beginning of each section, and the larger themes in which identities were simultaneously stripped by oppression and also preserved within the context of community and spirituality.
The Niitsitapi (also called Blackfoot Indians), reside in the Great Plains of Montana as well as Alberta and Saskatchewan located in Canada. Only one of the Niitsitapi tribes are named Siksika, also known as Blackfoot.
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In North America two infants were born in the creation of the universe. There were two worlds: the upper world created by mankind, lower world had the possession of the great monsters it was considered the dark world. While the women was given birth to her two twins a turtle was able to secure the women from terrors of the great water. The women remained in a state of unlimited darkness, and she was overtaken by her travail to which she was subjected. When the twins were born they entered a dark world and the women disappear in a way. In the process the turtle turned into a island with plants and stuff. One twin was named Enigonhahetgea which means bad mind, the other twin was named Enigorio which meant good mind. As they grew up they went their separate ways in life.
To Kill a Mockingbird, the novel by Harper Lee embodies a work of Southern literature, set in the 1930s in a small town in Alabama. The book’s genre exemplifies a coming-of-age historical fiction story. The narrator, a young girl named Scout Finch, describes the lessons she and her brother Jem learn when their father, a lawyer named Atticus, defends an African American man who stands accused of raping a white woman. The novel’s premise revolves around the efforts of a father raising his children and guiding them in their moral development. Along the way, the book deals with the themes of courage, prejudice and maturity. These three concepts are defined differently by Atticus than by most of the other people in the town where he lives. According to Atticus, courage means doing what remains as right and resisting what remains as wrong, even if other people oppose you. In contrast to the prejudice of the townspeople, Atticus believes it important to treat everyone equally. Maturity, in Atticus’ view, refers to having a sense of conscience and seeking to protect those who remain innocent. As these definitions show, Atticus Finch displays a strong sense of ethics. His goal as a parent remains to pass his values on to his children. This paper will argue that Scout and Jem learn the true meanings of courage, prejudice and maturity through the influence of their father and the example he sets for them.
There is no doubt that the particular layout of space of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition reflected the gender inequalities that existed within American society at the time. In particular, the Women’s Building offered a microcosm of the prejudices that dominated the overall landscape of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Although the men who organized the Columbian Exposition were unable to exclude women’s achievements altogether from the exposition, they were successful in relegating them into a bounded unit that overwhelmingly categorized their contributions as different and marginal, framing womanliness as “soft,” “delicate,” and “refined.” Discussions of the Women’s Building’s architectural aesthetics highlights such gendered dimensions of the Columbian Exposition quite clearly.
Moe Berg was a third-string catcher for several baseball teams in the '30's, including the Red Sox. He went to Princeton when Jews just didn't go to Princeton. His degree was in linguistics. He could speak several languages. He went to Japan just before the Second World War and shot film of several locations which proved to be somewhat helpful (he used to exaggerate how helpful it was, but during WWII they were looking for any edge) in terms of pinpointing major Tokyo buildings. He also helped to bring baseball to Japan during that visit. He was an OSS spy during WWII (he worked at the OSS at the same time as Julia Child. Yes, that Julia Child - I should probably invite her, too, eh?). After the war he was kind of lost and was pretty much
There are many different opinions about the differences between faith and reason. Traditionally viewed differences between reason and faith are that reason is something that requires empirical, factual evidence while faith relies merely on, well, faith. For something to have reason it must have some kind of factual evidence to make it true, or at least very good sound reasoning to believe that whatever it is, is factual. Faith is far from something that attains empirical evidence, faith usually relies on personal accounts which are usually of mystical content. Many philosophers have different opinions about how the two can coexist; some say under no circumstances at all, while others claim they can justify each other, and some claim faith is reason alone. Some philosophers claim that believing in God is an obvious choice by the claim that just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there like Blaise Pascal. Blasé Pascal and Clifford offer two completely different standpoints on the role of reason and faith.
The symbolism and imagery used in the short stories paints a vivid picture into the author’s train of thought. Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Shirley Jackson were not normal writers. The stories are a form of gothic writing. This paper will be analyzing the point of view, symbolism, and setting in the stories The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and The Lottery by Shirley Jackson.
Forkskolin grew in popularity after Dr. Oz featured it on his show. It comes from the mint family. Forskolin comes from the root of the Plectranthus barbatus, or Coleus forskohlii, plant. It helps break down fat. That is why it is widely used by people who are interested in improving their health and fitness. Not only can Forskolin help people burn more fat, but it can also improve performance and increase metabolism. Furthermore, it assists in a process called thermogenesis. This ensures that the body maintains a normal temperature.
Scandinavia is a region of Northern Europe that includes Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland. All the countries of Scandinavia share similar languages, are ethnically homogeneous, and are known to be punctual, honest, and modest. While each country does have its differences, they all have one major thing in common: the Nordic Model. All the Scandinavian countries are Social Democracies, which basically means that citizens pay high taxes, but in return the government provides a great deal of things to everyone. However, there is also criticism of the welfare state, with complaints ranging from people taking advantage of the system to dissatisfaction of the brutal taxation. Although the Nordic Model has its problems, the benefits and the quality of life that results from it outweighs the bad, which is shown by the prosperous Scandinavian states.
Norway, one of the "three fingers" of Scandinavia, is just larger than New Mexico, covering 125,181 square miles. It is located in Northern Europe, bordering the North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, with a coastline stretching 21,925 km. The population of Norway is 4.3 million and growing, predominantly of Nordic (Scandinavian) descent, with a small minority (20,000) of native Sámis (Laplanders) living mostly in the North. Many aspects of business and management in Norway are very similar to those of America, including language and communication, power structures/politics, work ethics, food and eating habits, dress, and religious beliefs. General facts about Norway include an age structure of 0-14 years=19% (390,344 female; 444,570 male), 15-64 years=65% (1,375,493 female; 1,424,027 male), 65 years and over=16% (408,675 female; 287,842 male); a birth rate of 12.86 births/1,000 population; a death rate of 10.35 deaths/1,000 population; a net migration rate of 1.15 migrants/1,000 population; an infant mortality rate of 6.1 deaths/1,000 live births; and a life expectancy at birth of Total Population: 77.61 years, Male: 74.26 years, Female: 81.15 years.
Finland was originally an independent country when it was settled by Laps in about the year 700. This independence was short lived after it was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sweden in the twelfth century for nearly 700 years. Swedish would become the dominant language. Under Swedish rule, Finland would be introduced to Roman Catholicism. This would help to include Finland with the western culture. Also, Finland would come to experience similar economic and social experiences that Sweden would. Finland would nearly have no sense of national identity for a period of time. Finland would essentially be considered a part of Sweden. Then, in 1807, Finland would be conquered by Russia and remain a part of Russia up until its inde...
Education differs from one country to another because every country possesses its own system of education. However, it is commonly believed that Finland has the world’s best education system (Gamerman,2008). So, its education system differs in many ways from the other countries like the one in Germany. The Finnish education system consists of basic education, upper secondary and higher education (Vossensteyn,2008) whereas German education system consists of primary education, secondary education and tertiary education(Lohmar,2012). Even Though , 9-year schooling is compulsory in both countries, they differ in the types of schools, duration of the education and so on. In this paper, the similarities and differences between these two education system is going to be referred in more detail.