Fingerprinting in the 21st Century

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The world of forensic science has evolved incredibly large during the past century, and it couldn’t have been done without the life-changing discovery of fingerprints. With most of the credit going towards Francis Galton, the discoverer of fingerprints, scientists have advanced the Fingerprinting world so greatly, the chances of failing to identify a human through the ridge patterns on their fingertips is nearly impossible. DNA Fingerprinting, a method of forensic science, is a reliable technique that has been around for centuries that accurately compares fingerprints at crime scenes to the rightful owner. Since the early 20th century, research has proven that DNA fingerprinting is the leading form of crime scene forensic investigation and has solved more cases than any other method of investigation. DNA fingerprinting in the 21st century is relied upon so much due to the various types of materials and technologies used, the vast amount of mysterious cases solved, and most importantly, the accurate results the method offers.
Francis Galton discovered that three different types of fingerprints exist: patent, plastic, and latent fingerprints which are in order from easiest to most difficult to examine. The first type of print is called a patent print, which is the easiest print to locate. If you were to ask a crime scene investigator which fingerprints they would most prefer to find at a crime scene, the majority of the time, the answer would be patent prints, as they require the least amount of effort to locate and can be seen without any technology. Patent prints occur when a person has a substance on their fingers such as grease, paint, blood, or ink that leaves a visible print on a surface, making them easily visible. The type ...

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... Web. 05 Apr. 2014. .
"Forensic Science." DNA Fingerprinting. N.p., 2014. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.
"Online Bachelor's Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice." Online CCJ PDX RSS. Portland State University, n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. .
"Fingerprint Technology Played Key Role." FBI. FBI, 11 Sept. 2012. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. .
Burger, Dan. "New Fingerprint Technology IDs the Bad Guys Faster than Ever." Police One. N.p., 21Jan.2004.Web.05Apr.2014..

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