Crime Fingerprinting Essay

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“Crime scene processing is a critical component in the resolution of crimes against persons and property, to include homicide, sexual assault, aggravated assault, robbery, and drug use” (Hunkeler, I). When searching the term fingerprints on Merriam-Webster, one finds numerous definitions for the term and learns that there are various types of fingerprinting. One classification reads that fingerprints are “an ink impression of the lines upon the fingertip taken for the purpose of identification” (Merriam-Webster). Another definition explains that fingerprints are “the base-pair pattern in an individual's DNA obtained by DNA fingerprinting” (Merriam-Webster). Both of these definitions provide a worthy understanding of fingerprinting, …show more content…

Often people do not even realize that they are leaving these fingerprints on everything they touch. This is so because fingers are always sweating, regardless of whether the hands feel sweaty or oily. These fingerprints are a mix between the sweat from the hands and contaminates from the environment. Fingerprint powder is necessary to find these prints because they can be left anywhere and on anything but are not visible to the naked eye. Typically, they are left unknowingly and accidently. Fuming is also used to discover these types of prints because they are often old and this process causes the fingerprints to appear. Once fingerprints are discovered, they are brought back to the lab to be entered in the computer. They are then cross-referenced with the database of criminal fingerprints and a match can be found in a matter of seconds. Latent fingerprints are the most …show more content…

Without the use of fingerprinting, more than half of criminal cases and matters would go unsolved with no clues or leads. Fingerprints are one of the most important criminal investigation tools for two reasons: their persistence and uniqueness. Persistence refers to the fact that fingerprints do not change over time and no matter what will always remain the same. The ridges which create fingerprints are formed while inside the womb and grow as the baby grows. Permanent scarring is the only way a fingerprint can change but is very rare. Uniqueness means that each fingerprint is different; no two fingerprints are the same. Even identical twins have two different sets of unique fingerprints. With the different formations of fingerprints and the different types of fingerprints, they will always be the key factor to finding clues or leads to a case. Not only can fingerprints reveal a criminal, but they can also reveal people who were involved in the case or at the crime scene. These people can play a vital role to a case and help give important details to who the guilty person is. Fingerprints are a very dynamic topic and in order to learn the full concept of fingerprints and understand how to collect them, should take some

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