Feminism And The Oppression Of Women

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Although feminists has begun calling for noble goals, the modern form of feminism is negative mindset and dangerous. It attacks womanhood by the lie that woman must become alike to a man in order to be equal. No one can deny the reality that man and woman have different design but equal dignity. They give negative image of the traditional woman who stays at home as an inferior to man. These attitudes make woman no longer understands herself and her role, and the family starts in its breakdown. Family is the first and basic unit of society, and marriage is the foundation on which this building is constructed and husband and wife are partners and represent the two pillars of family conducted by God to help each other, woman to be the bearer and …show more content…

However, if one of them rejects his or her natural role, the building will begin to fall apart. With the prevalence of abortion and artificial contraception as encouraged by feminists, a woman did not have to be responsible for her actions which make promiscuity became more common and accepted. This attitude is more harmful for the family in general and for woman because it gives the man the chance to use women in non-committal relationships and may cause depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and even thoughts of suicide. In addition, marriage is rejected because it includes personal responsibilities and promises of a woman to be faithful and obedience to her husband. Women have had a distaste of marriage and having a family, they put having a family off for several years and their careers above children if they marry. They do not consider marriage the first for procreation, it is only as something pleasurable. Woman became more promiscuous and outwardly alluring. Her body is exploited and objectified, exposed for all to see and for men to lust; her clothing, in general, loses its feminine mystique through short Skirts, tighter shirts and …show more content…

Feminists also differ from one another, some feminists request removing that disparity by excessive raising of women up to the perceived level of men, while some others try to decrease the men position and to bring men down to the perceived women’s level, but all share the perspective that women are oppressed and men are privileged and oppressors. It seems that the belief that men are oppressors and privileged and women are oppressed not only common amongst those in the feminist movement but an essential part of the very core of the ideology of

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