Female Body Image And The Mass Media Analysis

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The image of the perfect look is displayed everywhere from media outlets such as televisions and magazines to social media such as Facebook and Instagram. Media outlets and social media in fact do influence the image of the "Perfect" body. The constant barrage of the "Perfect" body type and look forces many people, mostly young women to feel inferior if their bodies do not fit the standards portrayed. These standards mostly consist of an hour glass figure, straight blonde hair, blue or green eyes, thin lips, a narrow nose and light, fair and clear skin. The articles by Dan Reimold, Caroline Knorr and Kasey Serdar all support the claims that media has an impact on people's perceptions of beauty. The media portrays beauty as something that …show more content…

This is why people hold beauty so high within their mind. In the article "Female Body Image and the Mass Media: Perspectives on How Women Internalize the Ideal Beauty Standard" by Kasey Serdar, she explains how the media portrays an unhealthy and unattainable image of beauty to women. For example "...a majority of the models displayed on television and in advertisements are well below what is considered healthy body weight" (Serdar). She is explaining how the media shows women who are underweight as the standard of beauty. The affect this has on women who are at the acceptable weight for their body, makes them feel they need to lose weight. This becomes dangerous because a lot of young women will go to extremes to meet this beauty standard. Some women will starve their selves or regurgitate their meals so they will not gain weight. This will cause them to become malnutrition. In extreme cases this could cause death. Serdar then explains what the media considers beautiful. "Images in advertisements, television, and music usually portray the 'ideal woman' as tall, …show more content…

In many ways Social media can do more harm with influencing young women because they are exposed to their phone way more than they are exposed to a television or a magazine. In the second article "Is Social Media Giving Your Teen a Negative Body Image?" by Caroline Knorr, she explains how in the past teenagers were only exposed to media's beauty standards during certain times of the year, but now teenagers are constantly barraged by these "Perfect" body images. For example "...girls might have stressed about being 'bikini-ready' every spring when the bathing suit magazines would hit the stands...But now, thanks to photo-centric social media like Instagram, Snapchat and other messaging apps, kids are exposed to a constant drumbeat of bikini bodies, six-pack abs, and just-right hair 24/7" (Knorr). She is explain that before kids were not as exposed to the "perfect" body as much as they are in today's age. The 24/7 barrage of this image will have more and longer lasting affects on the teenage mind. Being constantly exposed to a body type that the teenager doesn't poses can cause depression within the teenager if they don't have the ability to poses it. This depression may cause the teenager to do self harming things to their bodies such as starving their selves, cutting, or attempting suicide all because of the constant barrage of a social media beauty standard that they don't fit.

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