Fellowship Of The Ring

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The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring 1. I chose to read this book because I have always been a fan of the LOTR series and I loved reading the Hobbit, so I felt it was time to read the trilogy 2. The story is set all across Middle Earth which is the fictional realm of LOTR. The story begins in the Shire where Frodo sets off on his adventure. They then travel to Bree, Rivendale, through many forests, valleys, rivers, plains, to Moria / the Bridge of Khazad-Dum to Lorien and finally down the Great River Anduin tohrough Argonath, the Pillars of the Kings to the three mountains Amon Lhaw, Amon Hen, and Tol Brandir. 3. The name of the author himself captured my interest, but I would have to say introducing Bilbo Baggins captured my interest the …show more content…

Knowing that this is a trilogy, I have many questions left unanswered that I know will be answered in the following books. However, I do want to know how their journey to Mount Doom ends and would also like to know more about Tom Bombadil because he is a very interesting character. Being able to put the ring on and not disappear and being able to see Frodo with the ring on is very intriguing. All we really learn is he is his own master and the ring has no power over him, so I would definitely like to learn more about him. 9. I enjoyed this book, but it had many parts that were fairly boring. Their journey takes them over many miles and vast distances where all they are doing is walking. So those parts were not very interesting. That aside, once they got to where they were going or encounter the Black Riders the book became extremely interesting and was hard to put down. I would say these parts greatly outweighed the monotony of them walking. 10. I think anyone who enjoyed the Hobbit or the LOTR movies would definitely enjoy reading this book. It is a classic piece of work revered highly by many and rightfully so. It is a masterfully crafted book filled with adventure, fighting, magic, mystery, lore, and so much

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