Fees Must Fall Essay

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Fees must fall
I support the ideal for free education:
1) Young people have rights to experience in higher education learning.
2) The burden of fees and study loans are too great to expect young people to shoulder, participating for more financially disadvantaged individuals.
3) In order to foster social equality, the state must encourage groups in society without cultures of university attendance to look for high education.
4) Positive externalities of higher education, these education leads to a more educated and productive workforce.
5) Individuals have rights to equal opportunity in order to maximize their personal utility and to break free from the social divisions in which they are born.
6) Young people should not have to bear debt of tens of thousands of rands upon graduation.

The fees must fall campaign’s ideals have always been in parents prayers and wishes, for higher education has become a goal so difficult to reach. It was a campaign that the department of education and government had to deal with it by …show more content…

This places an additional burden on students, who have to work, often more than one job, in order to send money home.
Students with outstanding fees cannot access their results throughout the year, and they are not permitted to register for the following year, or to graduate. This results in students having to take longer to finish their degree, or to take on part-time unskilled work when they have finished their degree, in order to save the money to pay the University, so that they can obtain their degree certificates.
It is unfair that at the start of their lives and even their first step into the workplace, they are faced with the responsibility to pay back debt. Thus understood, free education would mean that the burden of the costs of education should be borne by the taxpayer so that student is free of the high burden of

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