Fear And Fears: The Fear Of Phobias

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John was a victim of a prank conducted by his fellow classmates, where they placed the class gerbil in John's lunchbox moments before lunch break. Upon opening his lunchbox, John reacted intensely in discovering the gerbil and having his finger bitten; while the gerbil attempted to escape. The classmates laughed in amusement; but John was sent home early, because he could not calm done his anxiety. In the following days, the wariness he felt for animals had developed into a phobia. John could not visit his aunt's house, because she had a cat; and he would immediately walk the other direction if he heard a dog bark (Newby 198). In John's case, his phobia was invoked by an unexpected event which lead to the fear of all fury animals. People with phobias are greatly misunderstood, and most have yet to build the courage to face their known, irrational fears; consequently, phobias have a significant impact on their development of personalities and lifestyles. The source of phobias are still being evaluated and debated, while new methods of treatment are progressively reducing and controlling the anxiety of phobics.
Phobias are real fears that most people encounter on a daily basis; but it is the over exaggerated reaction to the feared object or situation that distinguishes it from regular fears. Fear is a natural feeling, in which our minds tell us what is dangerous and to stay away from certain things. As stated by Dr. Ronald M. Rapee and et al in the Guide for Parents, “There is no such thing as an ‘abnormal fear.’ All fears are normal- some are simply more
Cortes 2 intense or extensive than others” (Rapee, et al 17). Some fears may be more common at certain ages; for example, children the ages of three-five will be afraid of the...

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...ears, the reason they are scared, and visualize and challenge irrational beliefs. Exposure therapy is when people diagnosed with a phobia are exposed little by little their fears. "Dr. Whiteside [from the Mayo Clinic] also developed a mobile app, the Anxiety Coach, which helps patients learn about anxiety , manage symptoms, and make lists of activities to help them face their fears" (Landro 2).
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Those who have been diagnosed as phobics had their lives altered by submitting to the overpowering urge to avoid their fears at all costs. Facing one's fear is not the easiest thing to do, but there are newer, safer, and easier methods to tear down the false fear an object or situation has over someone. Phobias, that come from unknown origins, have a tremendous influence over the growth processes of personalities and the creation of an individual's lifestyle.

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