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Chapter Nine.

Mrs Hurst had been sitting with Caroline, watching the emotions run through her sisters face; waiting for the tantrum to start. It never took long, when she realised she was not going to get something she wanted; normally there was a stamp of the foot, maybe an object thrown, more of often, it was taking her anger out on the loyal servants to Charles. Louisa Hurst knew her sister all to well. Now Caroline knew that Mr Darcy might still yet recover, she knew that plans would start to form in Caroline's mind on how to win him back. She had never believed the man had never wanted her and this made her even more determined to get him or more to the point get his fortune.

“What shall I do Louisa?”

Louisa had no idea why her sister was asking her the question, she never listened when she had something to say, so why should she try and comfort her sister in anyway at all. Louisa always knew what her younger sister had thought of her, she was just there for Caroline's conveniance; when Mr Darcy was not inviting them places, she would intrude on Louisa and her life. Before Mr Darcy had his accident he had just started courting Miss Elizabeth, Louisa had actually liked Miss Elizabeth very much, she had humour, spoke her mind, laughed freely and could set Caroline down without her even knowing it; Louisa had always thought she would have liked to have a personality like the Miss Elizabeth, but she also knew with her sister and her demanding ways she would never be able to be anything like Miss Elizabeth. Caroline had always put her down, even more so when she married Mr Hurst, in Caroline's eyes, he was always in his cups, sleeping and lazy. Caroline knew nothing of the man he used to be. He was a kind, caring, loving man a...

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...efreshments and enjoyment of conversation, with the odd snide remark coming from the corner but they all ignored her.

Jane and Charles had raised eyebrows through most of the conversation that had just occurred but had kept quiet, this was not their conversation to interrupt, so they just sat drinking their tea and , trying hard not to listen to the battle of wills which was happening in front of them. When the conversation was finally over, they just settled back into the topics they were having before Caroline had interrupted them. Both Jane and Charles were getting a little tired of Caroline's behaviour and wished she would learn some humility. She had done wrong and should learn from that, just as Gilbert had said, but it seemed she would carry on being as petty as ever. They did wonder when she would return to London and the society that she loved so much.

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