Fahrenheit 451 Self Censorship Essay

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Alani Cornelio Ms. Benedetto & Mr. Robinson CP English IV 10 April, 2024 The Relationship Between Self-Censorship in Reality & Fahrenheit 451 The theme of censorship, the suppression of things such as forms of media, is applied to many aspects of daily life. One form of censorship many people seem to ignore is the censorship of themselves. Self-censorship includes things such as, or similar to, the suppression of feelings. The censorship of one’s emotions can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. Furthermore, communicating how one feels is beneficial to the individual and those around them. This communication can help people to better understand how a person genuinely thinks or feels, and how they want to be perceived. …show more content…

However, there is a big difference between healthy venting and emotional dumping. Rather than always expressing your feelings to the same person, possibly causing them stress, BetterHelp also suggests that you: “join a support group”, “find an online [or in-person] therapist”, or “journal regularly” (BetterHelp). Though social situations are not for everyone, others may find more comfort in talking to a friend or loved one. To avoid excessive venting or emotional dumping, “...it is important to check on your friend or loved one's emotional state. Let your listener know whether you need helpful feedback or advice, or need them to lend an ear. They may not always be in the right state to take on your problems.” (Emotional Dumping vs Healthy Venting). This quote demonstrates the importance of consulting the person listening before expressing concerns. This way, the listener will be able to actively listen and give supportive feedback. Avoiding misunderstandings and healthy venting are very important aspects when dealing with communication. Similarly to real life, communication should play an important role in the story of Fahrenheit

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