Fahrenheit 451 Rivers Quotes

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In Ray Bradbury's novel “ relentlessly violent”, the river symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and escape from the oppressive society. The river serves as a metaphor for Montag's transformation and his journey towards self-discovery. Both fire and water are used as cleansing agents in the novel, representing destruction and renewal. The river was mild and leisurely, going away from the people who ate shadows for breakfast, steam for lunch, and vapors for supper, as Bradbury describes it (Bradburt, 83). This quote highlights the contrast between the river, which represents escape and rejuvenation, and the oppressive society. In the first daydream, Montag sees himself as a young boy learning about the value and beauty of books from his mentor, Faber. Montag's recognition of the emptiness in his existence and his need for knowledge are expressed in this daydream. In his second daydream, Montags sees himself reading aloud from literature to a group of interested students while working as a professor. Montag's desire to spread knowledge as well as his appreciation for the value of literature are both reflected in this daydream. According to Bradbury,”He felt his body divide itself into a hotness and a coldness, a softness and a hardness, a trembling and a not trembling, the two halves grinding one upon the other” (Bradbury, 120). This quote states Montag's wish for a deeper understanding of the world around him. …show more content…

As he escapes from the city, he submerges himself in the ocean and undergoes a transformation. The river becomes a catalyst for Montag's awakening, as he begins to question the oppressive society he served. As Bradbury writes, “He was a part of the sweater, and the dawn, and the sun, and the trees, and the distant music” (Bradbury, 149). This quote captures Montag's feelings with nature and his new connection to the world around

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