Fahrenheit 451 Language Analysis

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The timeless classic Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury takes the reader through the personal revelations of a fireman named Guy Montag in the time of a world gone wrong, a world without books. In a time wherein books are banned and fireman are no longer used for good, Montag finds himself going through the motions that others have set in place for him and following along a wrongful path. Even though he starts the book off by burning books, with the help of his somewhat eccentric neighbor Clarisse McClellan and an old professor named Mr. Faber, Montag finds himself on the opposite side. By the end of the book, Montag has left his family, his profession, and the life he’s always known to join the scattered opposition that works to protect the …show more content…

Throughout the book, Bradbury uses his descriptive style of writing to covey some of the novels major points through his use of irony, figurative language, metaphors, and allusions. One of the main reasons Fahrenheit 451 remains relevant in today’s society is the author’s ability to use the devices to give the challenges Montag faces throughout the story relatable to the reader. For this reason, I believe that Fahrenheit 451 was an excellent choice to be shared with a senior AP English class. The most evident benefit of this choice is that it prepares the students for later life by introducing them to a story often referenced by many in today’s popular culture. As we come upon our senior year, it becomes necessary that we procure a knowledge of fundamental topics that can only be learned by absorbing such …show more content…

As of now, it has become crunch time in order to make sure that we can enter our next phase of life exhibiting a proficiency in such topics. However, I believe that Fahrenheit 451 has another important aspect of equal or even more importance that makes it a great choice for our summer reading. While it is important for one to know the stories the classics, it is even more important to absorb

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