Fahrenheit 451 Impact On Society

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Many people have tried to predict the future, but only few got remotely close. Ray Bradbury was very accurate with the society he described in his book Fahrenheit 451. He predicted a city that we can learn very much from. In this city, almost everyone had a piece of the latest technology. From parlor walls to the Hound, all of the technology served a purpose, which was to distract everyone from the real and very violent world around them. The government was able to regulate the media through technology because of all of the propaganda and direct control. The world that Ray Bradbury portrayed is very similar to the world we live in today. Fahrenheit 451 should have a big impact on society because of the similarities between the book and today’s …show more content…

Mildred watches the parlor walls almost every second of her life. Not once is there an ad about the war or violence that is occurring outside of her house. There is no promotion for learning, intelligence, or education either. “‘Don't give them any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy.’” (Bradbury 65). This means that if the network producers were to show something about deep thinking, there could be an uproar. They need to keep it simple and make sure everyone consumes the same type of media. The thought i that if everyone is equal, there will be peace in the society. In the book when Montag is on the run, the government decides to broadcast an innocent man being mauled by the Hound so that the citizens stop worrying. “And then, after a time of the men sitting around the fire, their faces expressionless, an announcer on the dark screen said, ‘The search is over, Montag is dead; a crime against society has been avenged.’” (Bradbury 151). People are left to go back to their hollow lives and believe that the threat to their peace is terminated. The government does this just to reassure themselves that their problem is gone too. Much of these events are like today with the social media situation. Things that are posted or tweeted have to be calm and try …show more content…

The modern world is heading toward the fiction novel, and it soon could become a reality. Because of all the similarities in technology, war, and media manipulation, present society has a lot to gain from the past and what could very well be the future. But even though there are a lot of similar aspects between the book and today, we can still change. If we go against the beliefs of Montag’s society, the world can end up in better shape. “‘...There are no consequences and no responsibilities. Except that there are…’” (Bradbury 117). This quote by Beatty should be the direction that our society should steer in. It teaches that if we take responsibility of our future and what we want it to be, we could have no consequences. If we neglect the responsibility to fix our future, there are sure to be repercussions. Many need to realize the importance of education and literature and stay away from the dangers of technology, war, and the media. Today’s society may seem very similar to Fahrenheit 451, but we still have to hope to turn it around and take Ray Bradbury’s

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