Fahrenheit 451 Compared To The Future

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The world today is filled with high-end TVs, advanced smartphones, and cars that start at the push of the button. Each day we are inventing new technology and reaching new heights that we never thought were possible. As of today, we have created virtual reality goggles and 3D printers which are things we have only dreamed about. Seeing how advanced our technology has become, it seems as though our lives today can be compared to the future that Ray Bradbury predicted will happen in his book Fahrenheit 451. However, the future predicted by Bradbury is far worse than the world we live in today. To begin with, the future predicted consists of little to no communication with one another and absurd exchanges with our TVs. Nowadays, we spend most of our time on the internet either watching videos or scrolling through social media sites which resemble the daily routines depicted in the book. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury illustrates how people have empty conversations with their TVs and rarely have genuine conversations with each other. The one thing that sets us aside from the world to come is we still have social interactions with one another, with the exception that we heavily communicate through the use of …show more content…

The book demonstrates how they lack the ability to think and only possess the ability to listen albeit not very well. Their minds are filled with useless knowledge and have become blank due to the constant use of technology and lack of materials. In today’s society, almost all of our thoughts and opinions are influenced by what the media says or what people we consider important say. However, we are still able to think for ourselves and we do not rely on technology or someone else to think for us. We also incorporate reading into our routines which help build our comprehension skill and the ability to process

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