Factory Canteen Case Study

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In May 2017, the Office of the Ombudsman found that the factory canteens were illegal hospitality to the public and breach of the lease. The situation is very common. The Office of the Ombudsman considers that the Government has not fully reviewed the factory canteen license policy. The system has loopholes and has not been clogged. The factory canteens are breach to sell the food for the public. The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Lands Department do not have strict scrutiny when approving applications. The Office of the Ombudsman recommends that the Lands Department and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department establish an effective mechanism for regulating the co-ordination and mutual referral of factory canteens and …show more content…

Therefore, the governance audit cannot fully audit all government policies, cannot give a timely improvement of the program before the problem. In September 2017, the Office of the Ombudsman has criticized the Lands Department for being released and has not dealt with a contravention of a new village estate in the New Territories, resulting in a violation of more than 20 years. The Office of the Ombudsman does not exclude the case from the tip of the iceberg and urges the Lands Department to set a target time for handling the case. The Office of the Ombudsman has received a complaint that the height of a village house in the New Territories exceeds the limit of more than 1.8 meters and illegally builds a porch and a wall, occupying about 310 square meters of land, of which one is a government land. The Office of the Ombudsman has found that the Lands Department has been aware of the irregularities in 1995 and the "waiver" of the village house was abolished in 2004. After 10 years, the resumption of operations was carried out. Nine times

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