In the article, “Facing Challenges Is Part of Growing Up,” Taylor Tepper, a reporter at Money, discusses the reasons for why delaying adulthood is not smart. In response, Jessica Grose, a journalist and novelist, explains her reasons for why it is smart to delay adulthood in her article, “For Many Millennials, Children Are Out of Reach”. Both Grose and Tepper wrote their articles for the opinions page in the New York Times. The use of ethos, pathos, and logos in Tepper’s article appeals more to the audience than Grose’s article, which focuses mainly on ethos and logos, because he is more likely to be trusted due to his use of personal experiences relevant to the topic of adulthood. To begin, Grose and Tepper both include ethos in their articles by saying they are millennials to establish a connection with their main audience. Tepper appeals to ethos by showing confidence about the topic, because he shares the stage of life in which he is in right now. In addition, he uses …show more content…
Tepper uses pathos by showing he has empathy for people who are delaying adulthood. Tepper understands what they are facing, because he has been through it himself. He knows what it is like to be an adult and knows that millennials who are delaying adulthood value time and money, among other things, in which he now has less of. Tepper does a good job of using pathos, however readers who are not completely at his stage of life yet may feel that they are different from him which could cause them to be less likely to believe his point of view. Grose’s use of pathos is weak because she does not appeal to her audience’s emotions, instead she bombards them with statistics to help prove her point. Grose does try to show some sort of understanding by saying “Millennials, like most groups of millions of people, are rational actors. They just don’t want to have kids they can’t afford” (Grose
Ethos is a category that appeals to connecting one thing to another to help advertise the product.Resse's uses this tactic by including the pretty well -known rapper Mr.lupo linking the fans of mr.lupo to the cereal.People who watch the commercial will recognize mr.lupo and will want to buy the cereal from the commercial he's in.Connecting the two products together gets out more publicity for and the said product.Ethos is efficient in the process of linking two different subjects so they benefit each other.
He quotes William Strauss, the author of Millennials Rising as saying America’s young are “generally a hardworking, cheerful, earnest, and deferential group”. Brooks maintains that today’s elite college students are rule followers who “don’t live in that age of rebellion or alienation”. He says that these students now live in an age when the battles of militant feminists, theological conflicts, and the Reagan years are over. Millennials, according to Brooks, live in a “just world which rewards high achievers who ‘play by its rules” and respect the “fundamental order of the
Brooks wrote this article to inform the new generation not to buy into the hype of the “baby boomers.” He uses a compare and contrast type of approach with contrasting explanations of people’s expectations versus reality. The author wants to convey a feeling of awareness, which almost feels foreboding. The intended audience is young American college students or those about to enter college. It's intent to them is to inform them of the dangers that follow graduation where expectations are concerned. This audience is comprised of both male and female readers of all races and
Ethos is the use of one’s title or background in order to speak on an issue that is presented. Hasselstrom is a female poet, essayist and writing teacher who is using experiences in order to debate the issue of carrying a weapon. Hasselstrom does not have the proper ethos in order to speak on this topic because she does not have any credentials that state she is qualified enough to speak on the issue of guns. The most experience Hasselstrom has with a weapon is the fact that she owns one, however she is lacks the credentials to give certifiable proof that other methods besides a gun is the only valid method that could prevent a physical altercation from occuring. In the excerpt, Hasselstrom stated that a pistol is the only way to shift the balance of power which then provided safety. She has no background on if that statement is true nor have any of the knowledge to justify the
In today’s culture, the number of issues that the average person has to face on a daily basis, are astronomical. Millennials, in particular, have been greatly affected by this, so much so that a new phase in the human lifespan has been created just for them! Dubbed “emerging adulthood” by psychologist Jeffrey Arnett, plopped smack dab in the middle of adolescence, and adulthood, this phase captures any, and all doubts that 20-29 year olds are plagued with. From their economic standing, to racial, ethnic, and identity issues, and to disabilities ranging from both mental, and physical, this phase captures every single uncertainty, fear, and qualm that one person can possibly have in a neat little package.
Generation Y, more commonly referred to as the “millennials”, is today’s group of young people. Similar to other generations, each cohort is labeled with unique characteristics and inevitably faces adversities while taking its place in society. Many American’s today debate their views on the youngster generation, but none the less all sides can agree the discussion has become a hot topic. Catherin Rampell creates an open discussion in her article, A Generation of Slackers? Not So Much, addressing the main issue: Are millennials a generation of slackers. I feel strongly that my views align with Rampell’s, in believing my generation has already begun to show its capability of doing great things. Through analysis of the text and my own personal experience I am able to dispute the opposition towards my generation as well as, express the positive relationship of millennials in
The unsuccessful use of ethos makes the reader feel like the author’s piece is irrelevant to read. What’s going to make them believe this author has something to say that is actually worth listening to? It goes as far as the process it took for the author to make the article. Little things like the ones mentioned in this analysis: demographics of the subjects, interview styles and experience, which contribute to the process of making her article, could become big things when it comes to the author’s use of ethos, because it’s all about credibility. The process is where ethos is established for the most part and that’s where Anderson made most of her “little” mistakes.
There is a certain process that every human being on the planet has in common. Not everyone can say it is a pleasing experience, but nobody can deny that it happened to them. ‘Growing up’ happens to everyone one whether they like it or not. The transition between childhood innocence and adulthood is long and confusing, which often reveals questions that can never be answered. The novel Catcher in the Rye written by J.D. Salinger explores how the adult life has its complexities and can be very puzzling to teenagers starting that phase in their lives. The main character Holden Caulfield realizes the confusion of a teenager when faced with the challenges of adapting to an adult society. The catcher in the rye shows the inevitable loss of innocence
J. J. Arnett argues his theory about a developmental stage individuals go through of 18-25 year olds as a new concept, (Arnett, 2000, pp. 469). He describes emerging adulthood as being a sustained period of time where this age group, as mentioned previously, explores their roles preceding being an adult. These movements can include events similarly by taking longer than previous years to get married and have children, moving back in with their parents at a point during this age span, exploring self-identities, not feeling like an adult and feelings of self-failure. James E. Cote, who is a previous colleague of Arnett argues the opposite about this concept being an unexperienced developmental stage Arnett calls, “Emerging Adulthood”. Cote states
Emerging Adulthood represents the period of development from late teens through their twenties, mainly focusing on the ages 18-25. This is the period which people start exploring and realizing the capabilities of their lives, which then helps them characterize as adults and no longer teenagers. This topic of psychology is compelling to me because it’s a stage that every adult has lived through, it’s interesting that we have all experienced it differently based on our life circumstances and demographics. It’s interesting to see the changes throughout the years and eventually it will be easier for young people to explore these years as more young adults are going to school nowadays. It teaches me to further understand why emerging adults go through
Becoming an adult is signified differently in every culture, in America, reaching middle class status is one way that is used to indicate adulthood. To obtain middle class status one would need to acquire a job, become financially stable, get a house, and have a family. The “Mood Economy”, self-reliance, and distrust in institutions, as stated in Silva’s Coming Up Short, have reshaped what it means to become an adult. Replacing the traditional white picket fence ideals with new neoliberal ones. Although middle class status is still a goal for a lot of individuals, the number of people who reach middle class status has diminished significantly over the years. By examining the new milestones that mark adulthood and evaluating how the state reproduces little social mobility through “Attacking Solidarity” mentioned in Requiem for the American Dream, we can get a better idea of how the middle class disappeared before us.
Twenge’s introduction of ethos is very powerful. She refers back to other generations, stating that “no single factor ever defines a generation. Parenting styles continue to change, as do school curricula and culture, and these things matter” (Twenge). Generations will continue to change and will never be the same as the last. This recent generation, iGeneration, has made a big jump in change compared to other generations. “Even when a seismic event -- a war, a technological leap, a free concert in the mud -- plays an outsize role in shaping a group of young people.” School, culture, and media are constantly changing from generation to generation. Even simple things like getting their driver’s license was a big deal it was the “newfound freedom
First of all, Joel Stein in his article in the Time Magazine can be seen as wanting too much to please or to prove his point. He directly starts his article within the two first paragraphs saying that he has facts for what he is about to claim. That his article is not just going to be a rant because he has scientific proof that he is right. The generation of children born between 1982 and 1999 is lazy and conceited, the worst it has ever been. It is as if the world, or the future is doomed. Joel Stein goes on and on throughout his whole article saying that the millennials are good for nothing except they know a lot about this social media, and things related to technology. This generation is cocky and entitled, yet they still are nice. According to Stein, this generation is lost in the sense it does not really know it's place in the world. Well, it does know it's place a little too much, but the boundaries are erased. Indeed, “ Though they're cocky about their place in the world, millennials are also st...
Robert Bly wrote “A World of Half-Adults” to convey the idea that modern society has been corrupted through a lack of adults. The “half-adults” that he speaks of are people of adult age who have yet to fully transition into adulthood. Part of the problem that is found in his essay is that young people are no longer required to “grow up”. “An adult is a person not governed by what we have called pre-oedipal wishes, the demands for immediate pleasure, comfort, and excitement,” (64). The expectations on youth today is much different than it was in previous generations. The big cultural changes can be accredited to several factors in todays world, including, modern technology and the “sibling society” that people have begun to live in.
If we let our personal challenges destroy us, then we are nothing and have nothing to offer the world. It is important that we take control of our situation and use the personal hardship as an opportunity to better ourselves. It takes a keen eye and careful self-evaluation to remove any inclusions that will mar the beautiful diamond we possess in all of us. Each one of us is shaped into a distinctive cut of stone, giving way to different grades of clarity and color, making us rare, valuable, and uniquely our own. Frederick Douglass and Barbara Ehrenreich are two individuals who lived in different time periods; however, both individuals used their personal struggles to inspire change in the hearts of others. Just as I use my struggle as a tool to chip away the imperfections in my life, Frederick and Barbara used their experiences to chip away the fallacies of our nation. Personal challenges encourage me to grow as an individual and make better choices for a brighter future.