Exploring Who Built Castell Morgraig

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Exploring Who Built Castell Morgraig

Most castles in Waleshave well documented histories, enabling

historians to figure out who built them, where they were built, and

what purpose they served. However, some castles remain a mystery with

few or no written records such as Castell Morgraig. Over the years,

since its discovery in 1895, Morgraig has been a subject of fierce

historical debate. Due to the castle being in such a bad state of

repair when found, many archaeologists found it impossible to

determine who built it; and since then, many historians have come to

their own conclusions.

The castle was built right on the border between Welsh and Norman

lands, and therefore could have been useful for both sides to have.

For example, Thomas Gill states: "Either the Welsh or the English

could have made use of a castle on this site".

On balance, Most evidence suggests that Castell Morgraig was Wesh

built because of the location it has been built in and its style of


When looking at the design of Castell Morgraig, most evidence suggests

that it was Welsh built. The castle's thickest wall faced South which

meant they faced Normanruled Cardiff. Having a thicker wall which

faced where most likely an attack would come from was a feature of

medieval castles. Also, most Welsh castles were not as advanced as

Norman castles, therefore a well was not found at castell Morgraig.

The lack of a well on the site, is specifically common in welsh

castles. J.W Rogers states, "The well was generally placed inside

Norman keeps, but at Castell Morgraig no trace of a well has been

found within the castle walls''.

Morgraig also had a rectangular keep and the pattern of Morgraig's

keep was similar to some of the welsh castles in North Wales. This

evidence could possibly suggest that Morgraig was built under the

direction of the welsh prince, Llewelyn. Cathcart King said, "At this

time the Normanswere building very different round towered keeps".

The castle also appears to be asymmetrical, like most welsh castles

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