Explain giving examples how Woolworths should go about HR Planning?

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Explain giving examples how Woolworths should go about HR Planning?

Human Resource Planning (HR) is the identification of the future

labour requirements needed by a company and how these are going to be

met. It is the process by which a company ensures that it has the

right number and kind of people, in the right places at the right

time, doing the things for which they are economically most useful. It

is a method for determining future human resource requirements and

developing action plans to meet them. It is defined as a strategy for

the requisition, utilization, improvement and retention of an

enterprise’s human resources and it encompasses the subject concerned

with the developing range of manpower policies, including those for

recruitment, deployment, development and retention. The use of HR

planning is a big issue for any company if they are to have enough

staff to meet the future demand that the company may receive.

The main issues to do with HR planning at Woolworths is that the

company has a high labour turnover with many people moving on to a

higher status job and the idea that people do not really want to work

for the company which has resulted in large numbers of staff leaving

the company. This is mainly due to a large number of the staff being

part time students who are looking for temporary employment whilst

they are finished their A level or decree courses.

The four stages of HR planning that the business will need to consider


* Stock taking

* Forecasting the supply of labour

* Forecasting the demand for employees

* Implementation and review

The first stage of HR planning that Woolworths will need to consider

is the use of the Labour stock take. The purpose of the labour stock

take is to find out exactly how many staff that the company has

available to them after taking into consideration the number of staff

that are leaving the company and the quality of the staff available to

the company. When using a labour stock take, Woolworths should use a

combination of job analysis and performance review, the use of a

skills audit will be of little benefit to the business as this method

assesses the skills and qualifications of the employee and little

qualification is needed to work in the retail area that the business

operates in, a combination of the performance review, this involves

looking at the performance of all the employees within the

organisation in order to identify staff potential and to identify

where staff have more training needs. This will enable the business

to. The use of the job analysis will enable the business enables the

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