Explain How People Work To Meet Individual Needs And Status

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A) People work to meet specific needs, economic needs, and value and status. Meeting specific needs includes meeting safety and security which enhances physical and emotional wellbeing, health needs further achieving good physical wellbeing, employment needs enhancing social and economic wellbeing, sense of identity satisfying spiritual wellbeing, education needs enhancing physical wellbeing and adequate standard of living ensuring physical and emotional wellbeing is maintained.

Work also meets our value needs. Values are the principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important in life. Work is valued on an individual basis as it provides economic resources to meet economic wellbeing needs, fulfils adequate standard of living enhancing physical wellbeing, enhances satisfaction and to improve self-esteem enhancing emotional wellbeing needs. On a broader scheme as people earn money they are able to pay taxes, governments are able to provide infrastructure and services to assist the community e.g. hospitals and roads. This desire to have a value in society and satisfaction and self-esteem in …show more content…

Whereas some people purely work in order to ‘make ends meet’, others work in order to gain the prestige that comes from having a good job. Status is purely a societal-based ranking of an individual’s importance derived from their work, occupation or profession. It is the relative position of an individual within a group of people in society. Status is influenced by: employment rates, an industry which an individual works in, level of employment, level of decisions to be made on behalf of others, work patterns, how many years of study is required and how much an individual earns. People may work to gain a prestige status that comes from having a ‘good job’ or a high up position that is of importance to a company or to the government department. Status purely fulfils emotional and sometimes spiritual

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