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Sources and characteristics of the English legal system
Sources and characteristics of the English legal system
How is the english legal system organised and administered essay
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In any legal proceedings, whether adversarial or inquisitorial, witnesses must be called upon to prove the existence or non-existence of each parties’ assertions. There are two kinds of legal proceeding that can be instituted in a court of law; these are the criminal case which involved the state against an accused person and the civil case which a an individual sues another individual to recover damages, compensation, enforcement, restitution e.tc.
The English court system is adversarial in nature whereby the court takes the role of a moderator and pities the parties against each other so as each can prove their own case. Therefore, each party seeking to be believed will approach the court and give an account of the events that make up the dispute. The court will later on come to a final conclusion on who is liable or if the accused is guilty after considering all the facts, the documents adduced.
The terms Experts witnesses and opinion evidence are intertwined in the sense that opinion evidence is mostly adduced by an expert in a given field such as medicine or engineering. Opinion evidence is a separate, independent and inference that an expert gives so that to help the court to clearly understand the facts of the case, the expert may be an expert by virtue of his training or experience in a given field of study which must exist.
The duty to call for an expert is not fixed to the parties alone, the court has powers to call for such evidence if it considers that the expert will shed more light in so as to help the court come to a just determination of the case.
As a general rule, expert opinion evidence is inadmissible in court; ‘Where a person is called as a witness in any civil proceedings, his opinion on any relevant matter ...
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...l and it creates problems whether hard, smooth, sharp etc.
The level and magnitude of injury will also depend on the biological factors such as the soft tissue response, bone response which includes thickness, and if an infant has some previous injury.
This research is important and can be applied in investigation of a crime scenes by experts who then proceed to courts and give opinion evidence basing on the data and inference they have come up with: Just like in the case of Massachusetts v Woodward, whereby Dr. Lois E.H. Smith, M.D., Ph.D., an ophthalmologist observed retinal hemorrhages judging which is a characteristic of SBS.
Since expert opinion in relation to SBS is very important, there is an urgent need for both the physician and biomechanicians to collaborate so that the infant head injuries are evaluated objectively for the purposes of assisting the court.
The law is seen in two ways; as being fair, neutral and having an unbiased arbitrator,
McCormick, Charles T. Handbook of the law of evidence. 2nd ed. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1972. Print.
In summation, is can be identified in this paper that eye witnesses do not play a constructive role within the criminal justice system. This can be seen through a thorough discussion of the many issues portrayed through this paper. To conclude Schmechel et al. (2006) reiterates that statements this paper has presented and discussed;
(Kennedy & Haygood, 1992; Williams & Loftus, 1994), which is worrying considering the growing and substantial body of evidence from laboratory studies, field studies, and the criminal justice system supporting the conclusion that eyewitnesses frequently make mistakes (Cutler & Penrod, 1995; Huff, 1987; Huff, Rattner, & Sagarin, 1986; Innocence Project, 2009; Wells, Small, Penrod, Malpass, Fulero, & Brimacombe, 1998). According to a number of studies, eyewitness misidentifications are the most common cause of wrongful convictions (Huff, Rattner, & Sagarin, 1986; Wells et al., 1998; Yarmey, 2003) and, through the use of forensic DNA testing, have been found to account for more convictions of innocent individuals than all other factors combined (Innocence Project, 2009; Wells, Memon, & Penrod, 2006).
The merits of both the adversarial and inquisitorial system will be explored throughout this paper. The Australian rule of law best describes as all law should be applied equally and fairly. The five vital operations of the rule of law includes fairness, rationality, predictability, consistency, and impartially. The adversarial system adopts these operations by having a jury decide on the verdict and the judge being an impartial decision maker. In contrast, the inquisitorial system relies heavily on the judge. This can result in abusive power and bias of the judge when hearing evidence and delivering verdicts. The operations of the rule of law determine why the rule of law is best served by the adversarial system in Australia.
Twenty five to thirty percent of babies shaken die (National Shaken Baby Syndrome). Immediate medical attention can help reduce the impact of shaking, but many children are left with permanent damage from the shaking. The treatment of survivors falls into 3 major categories. Those categories are medical, behavioral, and educational. In addition to medical care, children may need speech and language therapy, vision therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and special education services. (Showers, 1997) Many incidents of Shaken Baby Syndrome are not reported out of fear. It is important to seek immediate and early medical attention. Serious complications and even death can be avoided.
Vallas, G. (2011). A survey of federal and state standards for the admission of expert testimony on the reliability of eyewitnesses. American Journal of Criminal Law, 39(1), 97-146. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.pioproxy.carrollu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=cookie,ip,cpid&custid=s6222004&db=aph&AN=74017401&site=ehost-live&scope=site
According to the Federal Rule of Evidence 702, A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education may testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if: (a) the expert’s scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will help the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue; (b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts or data; (c) the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and (d) the expert has reliably applied the principles and methods to the facts of the case (Gardner & Anderson, 2013 pg. 523).
Therefore, the criminal justice system relies on other nonscientific means that are not accepted or clear. Many of forensic methods have implemented in research when looking for evidence, but the methods that are not scientific and have little or anything to do with science. The result of false evidence by other means leads to false testimony by a forensic analyst. Another issue with forensic errors is that it is a challenge to find a defense expert (Giannelli, 2011). Defense experts are required to help the defense attorneys defend and breakdown all of the doubts in the prosecutors scientific findings in criminal cases. Scientific information is integral in a criminal prosecution, and a defense attorney needs to have an expert to assist he/she in discrediting the prosecution (Giannelli,
Fradella, H.F. (2006) Why judges should admit expert testimony on the unreliability of eyewitness testimony. Federal Courts Law Review. Retrieved from http://www.fclr.org/fclr/articles/html/2006/fedctslrev3.pdf
Is eyewitness testimony a reliable source of evidence? Eyewitness testimony was once the best form of evidence available. With the emergence of DNA and other
Blunt force trauma is defined as a traumatic event caused by the introduction of any blunt instrument forcefully, causing injury to the body or head. The Severity of injury is determined by various factors. It may be due to mechanical force such as compression, traction, torsion or shear. Impact of the injury and severity depends on object and movement of victim. Injuries occurred may be internal such as lacerations of internal tissues, organs, fractures of bones or may be external such as abrasion, avulsion, contusion and laceration (Pollak & Saukko, 2009). Severity also depends on anatomical site impacted for ex: Lacerations have irregular margin, hanging causes abrasions, contusions and hyoid bone fractures, Ocular hemorrhages in case of blunt trauma to eyes or Fracture of ribs when hit on chest by a blunt object (Ressel, Hetzel, & Ricci, 2016). Severity is also determined by the duration of time and amount of force applied. Nature of trauma is of importance in forensic medicine. It helps in
Evidence collection is a crucial part of forensics. Its reliability can be compromised by input bias from law
Witnesses are often called before a court of law to testify in trials and their testimony is considered crucial in the identification and arrest of a suspect and the likelihood of a jury convicting a defendant.
Note and answer to yourself, the factor that are involved at the incident, the mechanisms and circumstances on the injury, as well as the extent and type of injury. Assessing the situation identify what happened, a number of people involved, as their age, there is a child and or elderly.