Exemplification Essay: Is Agriculture Worth The Dust Bowl?

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Since the Dust Bowl, many people and farmers have been wondering how to stop dust from rising up from the ground when plowing and doing their work on the farm. Farmers then needed to keep their soil fresh to grow plants and keep their food healthy, plus not to let their food spoil. There were so many ways to help farmers like, seedbeds, raising crops without tilting and their agriculture to make where they live better and have less dust blowing in the air. First of all, “In general, the seedbed should be roomy, thoroughly pulverized and compact.” Many farmers are learning how to raise crops without tilting their fields at all, to help make less of a dust storm. There are many methods that not all farmers agree with and some believe that most methods leave fields vulnerable to wind erosion and dust storms. Secondly, there was so much dust that farmers and other workers could not go outside until the dust calmed down and rain starts pouring, helping the plants and soil. (Methods Prevent Another Dust Bowl ) "What ultimately broke the Dust Bowl was normal and above normal rainfall in the 1940s.” After a decade of rain, the farmers could go outside and plow their fields with fresh soil b/c of the rain that has poured down on it. …show more content…

The dust mostly comes from farming and the agricultural the farmers learned to keep their crops healthy and looking good to eat. (Methods Prevent Another Dust Bowl) "From the perspective of agricultural changes, irrigation was huge" (About The Dust Bowl) The agricultural devastation helped to lengthen the Depression whose effects were felt worldwide. Poor agricultural practices and years of sustained drought caused the Dust Bowl. But since the Dust Bowl, many farmers have figured out new ways that would not make the Dust Bowl comeback ever

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