Examples Of Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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“[Life] is a tale/ told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,/ Signifying nothing.” In the drama, Macbeth, Macbeth says this famous line after hearing of his wife's murder. But who’s fault was it that Lady Macbeth and later Macbeth, were murdered? Was Macbeth the victim of some else's manipulation? In the play Macbeth, Macbeth was told by 3 witches his fate throughout the course of the drama. Macbeth was a victim of the witches and supernatural because they unleashed his evil aspirations and gave him false security.
Macbeth was a victim of the witches because they caused his greed and extreme ambitions which lead to his downfall. In the play, the witches said, "All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter." (I, III, 50) This means that Macbeth is next in line to be king. The witches saying this sparked his lifelong ambition to be king. This caused Macbeth to want to be king so badly he murdered King Duncan for standing in his way of the throne. This made him a victim because this started a sequence of murders to cover his tracks, that ultimately, killed him. Without the witches sparking this ambition, Macbeth wouldn’t have had to be a part of the murders of seven characters. But, this wasn’t the only way the witches …show more content…

But as stated by Kyra Kryder, “... viewing [Lady Macbeth] as a victim to her husband’s unnatural ambitions.” (Kryder) She is saying that some people could view Lady Macbeth as a victim of Macbeth’s selfish actions, rather than a motivator, since after she killed herself from all the stress Macbeth caused. As stated in the quote she could be a victim of the stress of Macbeth's “unnatural ambitions” and those ambition were provoked by the witches as stated earlier. So ultimately without the witches originally unleashing his ambitions, Lady Macbeth, for one couldn’t have provoked him further, so she can’t be the reason for Macbeth’s

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