Examples Of Transcendentalism In Into The Wild

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Transcendentalism is a unit all about expressing yourself and self improvement. In Into the Wild, we are taken on a transcendental adventure through the known life of Christopher Johnson McCandless. McCandless was a young man in his early 20s seeking a life away from society. McCandless was a nonconformist who refused to follow the rules, led by transcendental figures such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. The following accounts are pieces of McCandless’s great adventure through transcendentalism. In Chapter 4 of Into the Wild, McCandless was said to have, ‘arranged all of his paper currency in a pile on the sand - a pathetic little stack of ones and fives and twenties-and put a match to it.’ This represents the transcendental key, reduce dependence on property, because McCandless is burning all of his money, one thing humans rely on the most nowadays. Furthermore, this can be connected with “Walden,” by Henry David Thoreau, found on pages 407-415 of the textbook. Thoreau had gone out into the wilderness to get away from society, he left his long lived in home to go to a place of non-stop adventure. In Chapter 6 of Into the Wild, the book stated that Chris McCandless made a belt with several different parts of his adventures …show more content…

Transcendentalism can be an excellent thing because it is great to express yourself and to follow your intuition. If your intuition leads to something unexpected, you can learn from your mistakes. The people mentioned in the book, such as McCunn, Waterman, and Ruess followed their intuition, though they led a life of adventures and doing what they loved, they all met a tragic demise. Though these people may have met their end, it is still no reason to not pursue your dreams. Don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try. Everyone goes on their own transcendental adventures at one point or another in their lives. You have the choice of what you do with your life, so live

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