Symbiosis In To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

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Symbiosis is a relationship in which two organisms, interact with one another and give each other an advantage. An example of symbiosis would be between a clownfish and a sea anemone, in which the sea anemone provides a safe home for the clownfish and the clownfish lure prey into the sea anemone. Therefore, a symbiotic relationship can be compared to an effective community, in which the community helps one another. One method of aiding each other inside a community would be empathy, known as the ability to understand or share feelings of another individual. In How To Kill A Mockingbird, empathy has been a theme revolving around the book in Part I. Empathy can solve problems that others suffer from. The author is showing in Part I that empathy is the solution to racism and prejudice. …show more content…

Supporting this idea, evidence from the text says, “He picked up the camellia, and when I went off to bed I saw him fingering the wide petals.” In this scenario, Jem got hold of the flower and while he was touching the flower, he was thinking of Ms. Dubose, the one who gave the flower to him. Since Ms. Dubose died, he was contemplative and thought of Ms. Dubose in a more positive fashion. Jem and Scout have always prejudged her as a negative individual. But now, Jem has broken through his judgement and saw Ms. Dubose in a new distinctive way. Jem can use this new perspective to be a better person in his community and aid those who need

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