Examples Of Survival In 1984 By George Orwell

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1984: Survival is Imperative There is a powerful quote stated by Bob Dylan “No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.” This rings especially true in the fictional land of Oceania, one of the three super continents envisioned in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Orwell depicts a land where no one is free and everyone is part of a brainwashed biomass of people. This unknowing public is constantly bombarded with propaganda such as the two minutes of hate, which as Winston Smith describes “creates a hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness” that turns “one even against one’s will into a grimacing screaming lunatic” (14) it is not surprising that the members of the Party and even those who are not become passive followers. This …show more content…

Winston Smith is a member of an unchanging machine and as a result is subject to the atrocities that this society entails. Now, Winston throughout the course of the novel chose to defy the party of Ingsoc and because of trying to stand up to the atrocities, he was devoured promptly by the beast of the Party who has the Big Brother as its figurehead. In the face of this totalitarian rule, it is better to dissent in silence and ignore the atrocities that happen around you. Winston Smith decided to forego the path most traveled by and as a result all the difference to his life. Winston eventually suffered a metaphorical or literal death when that bullet entered in his brain and Winston won victory over himself. While the tangibility of that bullet creates some debate, there can be no debate to the fact that had Winston had not expressed his rebellious thoughts he would have led a natural, albeit, unfulfilling life. I believe that Winston Smith would have been ultimately better off dissenting in silent and keeping his treasonous thoughts to himself in order to avoid the fate of those who oppose Big …show more content…

In the superstates of Oceania, ignorance is bliss. The story of Winston Smith’s struggle with being stuck in a factually incorrect world and the ignorance surrounding him and the entirety of 1984 provide a cautionary tale. This cautionary tale is what happens when human rights are violated on the most basic of all levels and no one is around to stop that defilation of these rights. There may be conscientious objectors to the many atrocities that the world throw at them but in a world of control, disagreement is akin to death. In a world where difference of opinion causes you to be tried for treason, that is a world that is truly corrupt to the highest of calibers. 1984 not only provides a cautionary tale of what could and would have happened if Stalinism would have gone unchecked, but also when the majority opinion stops listening to the majority of one. In this world of 1984, nothing is free, not even a

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