Examples Of Social Darwinism In The Great Gatsby

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F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel The Great Gatsby explores many themes of the Roaring 20’s. One prominent one being Social Darwinism. According to Cindy Lin on her article summary “Thorstein Veblen and The Great Gatsby”, One element of Social Darwinism includes the rich and wealthy not only looking for ways to define their vulgar extravagances, but justifying it as well. (Lin) We the readers clearly see this with Tom Buchanan. Because of the fact he’s wealthy he feels it’s alright to have an affair with someone from a lower social status than him, and if he gets into trouble he can use his money to get out of it. The main character Jay Gatsby obtains his wealth by illegal means, and throws lavish parties. He believes he is justified because …show more content…

According to Celebi the characters are never shown going to church , or doing any religious actions, and when they do commit an act that is generally not accepted by religion they express no worry over it harming their religious lives such as drinking which was opposed by conservative Christian parties (Celebi). The readers can assume that Fitzgerald did this on purpose due to the fact that the Roaring 20’s was full of religious defiance. One example being the Scopes Monkey Trial where Tennessee teacher John Scopes was tried guilty for teaching human evolution because it disagreed with many Christian Fundamentalists during this time period. In the novel there’s the billboard of TJ Eckleburg's eyes looking over the Valley of Ashes. What’s ironic is that the billboard is supposed to represent the eyes of God, but the Valley of ashes is actually full of immorality and corruption. One clear example is Tom having an affair with a married women, and being rude to her husband who works hard to provide for the both of …show more content…

Materialism is another element of Social Darwinism in The Great Gatsby. Materialism is defined as placing importance on material possessions rather than spiritual or intellectual values. Yasemin Celebi points out that Gatsby is a perfect example of a man who has chosen materialism because he’s framed his entire life on having a dream of material quantities such as being rich, having a girl, being successful and being famous (Celebi). Not just with Gatsby we see this with most of the characters in the novel. Daisy chooses to be with Tom, a man who doesn’t love her, instead of Gatsby a man who does because Tom has money. Myrtle Wilson chooses to be unfaithful to her husband because Tom has money, and he buys her lavish gifts such as the puppy. Even a lot of Gatsby’s guest only attended his parties because they were gaining something from it such as free drinks food etc. But they choose not to come to Gatsby’s funeral because they have nothing to gain from

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