Examples Of Sibling Rivalry In East Of Eden

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Sibling Rivalry due to Rejection & Jealousy

Growing up with siblings a sense of competition was always dealt with. Who was better or who got the better present for example. Sibling rivalry was definitely an occurrence that is seen throughout the novel East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Specifically how the author embraces the good and the evil in the personalities of his characters. The brothers from the book Charles and Adam were resembling the more Biblical brothers known as Cain and Abel. As scenes unfolded in the novel, we glimpse at the rivalry that goes on between the two. Even when the generation carries on to the new brothers, Cal and Aron, there’s still a connection being made to the legend. “Symbol story of the human soul” as Lee, a character, relates it to the same idea. In the secence of …show more content…

The sibling rivalry in the novel follows a perfect connection to the Cain and Abel legend.

Through certain scenes from the novel, we can relate the brothers Charles and Adam to the exact legend. There's such a strong comparison that we can understand through the actions and way of life that the two brothers follow the same idea. In regarding to the scene when Cyrus the father of the boys, was favoring Adam’s present over Charles's. He deeply appreciated the puppy, over the expensive German knife that was gifted to him. “What did you do on his birthday?’ You think I didn’t see? Did you even spend six or four bits? You brought him a mongrel pup you picked up in the woodlot. You laughed like a foul and said it would make a good bird dog. That dog sleeps in his room” (Steinbeck 268 ). Soon Charles becomes

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