Examples Of Sexism In The Help

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The Help was set in 1960s Jackson, Mississippi during the most segregated era. In the novel The Help, the author Kathryn Stockett portrays many contrasting elements from racism to sexism. People of color did not have a good job and equal rights in American society. The novel uses contrasting places such as, two towns and two houses. Even though both neighborhoods are in Jackson, Mississippi, they were separated in great detail. In the novel the town of Belhaven represented the Jim Crow laws, “separate but equal”. Meaning that the African Americans where allowed to interact in some situations, but had to live away from the Caucasian people. The town was split into two areas, the black neighborhood and the white neighborhood. The white neighborhoods represented spacious and luxurious living, while the black neighborhood represented cramped and inferior living. In the novel, Aibileen explains the outline of Jackson, Mississippi by stating: “So Jackson's just one white neighborhood after the next …show more content…

One example of difference is the restrooms and bedrooms. The black neighborhood usually has one bathroom for everyone to use. In the white neighborhood there are restrooms for the homeowners, guest, and the help. The restrooms for the help are usually in the garage or in an outhouse. Many White people did not allow people of color to use their bathrooms because they were considered “dirty”. In the novel, Hilly Holbrook tried to explain why the separate bathrooms were a necessity by exclaiming, “All these houses they’re building without maid’s quarters? It’s just plain dangerous. Everybody knows they carry different kinds of diseases than we do”(Stockett, 8). In a typical white neighborhoods the houses were typically big and had guest rooms, dining rooms, living rooms. Aibileen and Minny’s house are fairly simple. In Minny’s house the dining room, bedroom, and the kitchen are all in the living

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