Examples Of Seminar Questions For The Great Gatsby '

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Bri’anna Ramírez Ms. Olivier Eng2 P 5 3/8/17 Great Gatsby Seminar Question 1. Fitzgerald used the setting of his story to display the prominent difference in social classes in story and in his time of the lost generation. During the beginning narrative of the story the very idea of business is made known and gives you this knowledge of what the stories era is summarized as and it’s the age of money. Even with this idea we start building upon it more when he describes the area he has moved to and the villages are not opposites but can be defined almost as sisters. Although both are villages with money, one is described as the heirloom of money and the other a nouveau returner …show more content…

The Great Gatsby exhibits the very definition of the American dream through the people of new wealth and those who a building upon wealth or a business venture such as Nick. So the dawn of dream chasing is the very theme of it. In the story the very people who already have such wealth like Daisy and Tom are much hollowed people and don’t know what to do with themselves. It can be said that they only live for the very thing they have thus clinging to it. This is a form of corruption of the American dream because they display no such idea of it because they have no dreams left to chase in a world where innovation and drive that is getting the people of this time places. Gatsby is a man that you can say has the American dream. He built his wealth, he is searching no pursuing the woman of his dreams but to what extent has this captivating woman has him going. Gatsby gains this wealth not of self-want directly and gains it for a woman who he has desired since his youth. To what point has he not gone for her but only to receive rejection in the end and not for the desire of love but for the desire of …show more content…

What makes Gatsby great is his mysteries personality and the drive that seems to always wrap itself around him. Gatsby from the very begging has reached word this light by the name of Daisy and never directly approached her head on. But somehow winds these small conversations and parties to his will to meet her. So you would have to constantly say or wonder “what in god’s name is that Gatsby up to”. Which is the hook the pull that makes you want to know more. “When I looked once more for Gatsby he vanished” (F.S Fitzgerald, 21) Even after this mysterious Arora Gatsby is the gift that keeps on giving. Without knowing Gatsby intent and even knowing it he keeps striving words his wants and this capturing look of an urging will makes you want to have that same drive and effort he has put into whatever he wants. Although, at the end of it all who doesn’t love a great story of how a man came to great achievement and wealth. This is what makes Gatsby

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