Examples Of Sacrifice In The Giver

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Sacrifices For a Perfect World
“If the world was perfect it wouldn’t be” - Yogi Berra. A perfect world is different in everyone’s eyes because we all have different interests and you would have to make sacrifices. Lois Lowry makes this clear in her fantasy novel, The Giver. Unknowingly living in a utopian society, the main character Jonas is Assigned the important job of the receiver of memory in his Community. No one knows what this means, but he later finds out that he burdens the Community from painful and joyous memories of the past (our world). The Giver transmits memories from generations back to Jonas. The Community, apart from Elsewhere, is a world without conflict, inequality, divorce, unemployment, injustice, and choice. Everyone …show more content…

As Jonas receives these memories, he ponders how their community would be different if they could make more choices. For example, after the Giver transmits Jonas a memory of family, Jonas thinks how crazy it is that they have generations and he says about his community, “‘What if they were allowed to choose their own mate?’”...”’Or what if’”...”’they could choose their own jobs?’” (124). Jonas then thinks if people should make these choices, and things that could go wrong if they did. For instance, while he is thinking about how crazy these choices are, he says, “‘I can’t even imagine it. We really have to protect people from wrong choices’”(124). People in his Community don’t choose their own spouse, the Community leaders assign them a spouse and children if they want. Jonas’s Community is brain-washed into not having opinions or choices. Although they have no divorce and wrong choices, Jonas would rather have choices and a real …show more content…

For example, when the Giver is explaining the concept of warfare to Jonas, he says, “‘...people had destroyed others in haste, in fear, and had brought about their own destruction’” (141). The Community gave up opinion and freedom for no war. Think about it, to have freedom in America, people have to fight for it in wars so if their is no freedom in the Community, there is no war. They also sacrificed religion because most wars are about opinions of religion, too. Because the Community will only let you have two children, the population is controlled and cannot get too big. This control eliminates hunger. For instance, after Jonas receives the memory of hunger, the Giver explains that, “‘The population was so big that hunger was everywhere. Excruciating hunger and starvation’” (140). To terminate war, there is no freedom and to remove hunger, there is no choice in how many children you can

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