Examples Of Pursuit Of Ambition In Macbeth

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The one who thinks blindly following ambitions is the goal in life is being deceived by the illusion of the pursuit of objectives being the principle of human development. The prevailing notion of the relentless quest for attaining aspirations being the goal in life is profoundly dangerous as it deceives people into their downfall, and subsequently others as well. William Shakespeare uses his play, Macbeth, to outline the detrimental consequences of, in turn, pursing of a burning desire. The Vindictive pursuit of ambition about Macbeth's goal to become King becomes a virus within Macbeth's life which infects him, and those who are close to him, like Lady Macbeth, both in equal measure.

Shakespear explores a narrative from Macbeth's fall from …show more content…

After receiving his title "Thane of Cawdor"(, realizing the that the witches prophecy bore truth, Shakespear presents a vital soliloquy from Macbeth in which he states that "[his] thought who's murder yet is but fantastical shakes so my single state of man/That function is smother'd in surmise and nothing is but what it is not"(1.111). Through showing his insight into Macbeth's psychology, it reveals Macbeth's immediate contemplation of murdering Duncan, after he is presented with a prophecy from the witches, a promise to achieve the king's throne. From this monologue, it is displayed that when Macbeth is given a chance to transcend the futile hierarchy, the change in his mindset and character is nearly immediate. Macbeth's lust for kingship clouds his thinking and decision making and is also is what makes a cynical change in his personality. Macbeth's deadly thought of regicide shakes him and is what fundamentally turns his once noble status into a bloody demoralising tyrant. Macbeth addresses his ambition in his key soliloquy as he states that he "[has] no spur to prick the sides of [his] intent but only vaulting …show more content…

This illustrates the consequences of Macbeth's the pursuit of his ambition has done to him, infecting him by turning him into a monster that keeps on going, with no where to stop. Macbeth's ambition also makes him deceive people like the murderers into killing his once noble friend Banquo, as he persuades them by crying out "know that it was [Banqo] in the past which held you so under fortune" (111.1.75-77.41). From this, it is evident that there is a shift in Macbeth's social sphere as he is now stooped so low that he is indulging in corrupted murders to do his bidding. This highlights the effect his virus has in making his deceitful and form new lows by being the slave to his sickness from within, allowing it to infect him. Macbeth has exorbitantly descended the moral ladder by betraying his once close friend Banquo and the divine king, and with that himself. He betrays himself by overriding his once clear moral compass and instead accepts being the slave to his virus even when it plagues him meticulously. Furthermore, Macbeth is falling victim to his demise is apparent as at the end of the play he has lost connection to his soul and

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