Examples Of Neutralism In My Brother Sam Is Dead

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Neutrality in War: Tim’s Decision In war, is freedom more valuable than life? In the revolutionary war, the patriots and the loyalists both have vastly opposing views and opinions. The loyalists value human life and want to avoid bloodshed all together. The patriots want freedom and independence, even if it means killing to do so. In the novel My Brother Sam Is Dead, it describes the different viewpoints and decisions of a character who decides stay neutral in the war. The ironic deaths of Ned, Life, and Sam induces Tim to be neutral in the war. The irony of Ned’s death influences Tim to be non belligerent. During the onslaught of Captain Starr’s house, one of the house’s slaves, Ned, was gratuitously killed. The author states, “‘ There are some damned blacks in here, what shall we do with them?, Kill them, the officer yelled,’” (144). While Ned gets beheaded, Tim is watching it happen. He realizes the promise of freedom is an illusion because not everyone receives it. Moreover, the soldiers unjustifiable actions and racism towards the innocent slaves makes Tim upset. The slaves in the house did not to deserve to have their lives taken from them. Tim cannot see how the apartheid and superfluous actions …show more content…

Tim’s father life was a loyalist who supported the king. While taking the journey back to Redding, Life gets captured by cowboys and ends up on a British prison ship. The author explains “ … it wasn’t a Rebel prison ship, it was a British one,”(164). After Life gets captured, he gets put on a British prison ship where he catches a sickness and dies. Furthermore, Life was killed by his own side. Even though Life supported the king, his loyalty did nothing to prevent him from being put on the ship. Tim does not see why he should pick a side when obedience isn’t rewarded. The irony of his own father’s death puts Tim’s thoughts in perspective, therefore, showing him that he is on neither side in the

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