Examples Of Narcissism In The Great Gatsby

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Great Gatsby Writing Assignment

Psychological Profile.
The character, Jay Gatsby from the book “The Great Gatsby” suffers from Narcissistic Borderline Personality Disorder. Narcissistic means that a person has a strong need or want to be successful. People who are considered to be Narcissistic also have a strong need for power, love, and a sense of entitlement (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). People who are considered to have Borderline Personality Disorder are typically moody. They go from happy to angry, and usually have a feeling of emptiness. They are often doing anything they can to avoid real or imagined abandonment (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
I believe Jay Gatsby suffers from this disorder for quite a few reasons. He wanted people to talk about, and admire the parties that he had. Jay Gatsby had to have the nicest material items like his cars. He was also very adamant about making Daisy his. He wanted power over other men to win her over. Jay Gatsby ignores the fact that Daisy is married with a child. These are all examples of a Narcissistic person. The borderline personality disorder comes into play in this book when Jay does everything to avoid the abandonment he feels from Daisy. He feels empty and also drives recklessly to avoid his inner issues. …show more content…

The Great Gatsby was a very interesting book. This book was written to enlighten you on what we all know as the Roaring Twenties. I, personally would give this book a 5 star rating. The book details things about the war, music, parties, and tells a story about groups of many people who were all the somewhat the same, but all dealing with different

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