Examples Of Metis In The Odyssey

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Liam Kogman Freshman English Honors Mr. Hoffman 12 May 2024 The Analysis of the Odyssey’s Theme In Homer’s epic poem, “The Odyssey,” the concept of Metis comes as a subtle yet powerful force that shapes the actions and outcomes of its characters. Although weak on its own, Metis functions as a strategic tool that allows people to maximize their strengths and navigate through challenges with cunning and intelligence. Several scenes in “The Odyssey” show the power of Metis, such as Odysseus’s escape from Polyphemus, Odysseus’s disguise as a beggar, and Penelope testing Odysseus’s true identity. Throughout this essay, the profound strength of Metis, which is to empower people to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, will come to light. Near …show more content…

As Polyphemus cares for his sheep outside, Odysseus creates a sharp stick. When Polyphemus came back into the cave, Odysseus gave him an intense wine. Polyphemus tells Odysseus to say his name, and Odysseus replies, “Nobody is my name. My father and mother call me nobody, as do all the others who are my companions” (book 9, line 366-367). Polyphemus, drunk from the wine, gets attacked by Odysseus and stabbed in the eye. Polyphemus shouted to the other cyclopes to come and said, “Nobody is killing me,” relieving the other cyclopes of worry as they left. Odysseus decepts Polyphemus to say to the cyclopes, someone known as nobody attacked me, which to the other cyc=lopes sounded like no one attacked me. Odysseus’s deception of the cyclopes shows Metis’s profound abilities, which allow for a clean getaway from his attack and later freedom. Following Odysseus’s return, he disguises himself as a beggar and heads to his palace to uncover the traitors. Odysseus revealed himself to Telemachos, his son. Odysseus quickly discovers that all the suitors and some servants have turned traitors to …show more content…

During the contest of the bow, Odysseus successfully strings the bow and shoots an arrow through the axes. Then Odysseus shoots an arrow through Antinoos’s neck, starting the battle between the traitors and the loyal people of Odysseus. Hiding the weapons gave Odysseus’s team superiority in the battle, allowing for a victory without losing men. Odysseus uses the element of surprise to take victory and kill the traitors, showing his understanding of the battle and the use of Metis. At last, after the traitors receive their deserved punishment of death, Odysseus meets with Penelope and tells her of his true identity as her husband. Penelope, suspicious of what Odysseus said, asks one of the servants to move their bed outside, for he may be tired. Odysseus, in anger, tells Penelope, “What you have said, dear lady, has hurt my heart deeply.

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