Examples Of Injustice In 12 Angry Men

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I firmly believe that there is no such thing as justice. What might be justice for one person, could be injustice for the other. For instance, in the 1950’s film 12 Angry Men directed by Sidney Lumet, a 18 year old boy was accused of stabbing his father with a switch blade knife. 12 “angry” jurors had to decide the fate of a young boys life. Each man wrote down there votes, either guilty or non guilty. When the foreman read off the papers the vote was 11-1. Henry Fonda Juror number 8, who was singled out on his vote, fought for his own beliefs and ended up changing 10 out of the 11 votes to non guilty. Realizing that it only took one person to change all 11 votes was justice to 11, but for one was injustice. Another reason why I believe

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