Examples Of Hospitality In The Odyssey

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In ancient Greek times, hospitality was the code of behavior that the people were expected to display when a stranger, and/ or a guest appears at their home. In Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, there are countless examples of the rules of hospitality being shown properly or the rules of hospitality being ignored. The rules of hospitality do not only apply to the host or hostess. They also apply to the guest, but the guest doesn’t always obey the rules of hospitality, as Homer proves in this epic poem.

There are many people who break the rules of hospitality, but that is not always the case. For example, “Odysseus is welcomed by King Alcinous, who gives a banquet in his honor.” (p.1210; italics). King Alcinous was one of the only people who tended to Odysseus needs. When Odysseus first arrived at the island of Scheria, King Alcinous’s island, King Alcinous provides Odysseus with clothes because he did not have any. Then after the banquet, that was mentioned above, King Alcinous finds Odysseus weeping and urges Odysseus to tell him who he was and where he had come from. Odysseus was very lucky that he …show more content…

Although, Odysseus and twelve of his men were the first to break the hospitality code by entering the cyclopes cave without permission with plans to steal their belongings. Then, they got trapped in the cave, and the next morning they were greeted by the Cyclops, Polyphemus. “‘Strangers,’ he said,’who are you? And where from? What brings you here by sea-ways a fair traffic? Or are you wandering rogues, who cast your lives like dice, and ravage other folk by sea?’” (p. 1215; lines 156-159). After Polyphemus had broken the rule of asking questions before tending to his guests needs, he then ate six of Odysseus’ men! Luckily, the strategist Odysseus is came up with a four step plan to escape Polyphemus’s cave. His plan succeeded and they escaped without losing the remaining six

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