Examples Of Heroism In The Hobbit

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Braylon Peters
Mrs. Kuntz
World Literature and Composition
5 April, 2017
Uncommon Courage and an Unexpected Hero

Whoever knew an adventure can alter one's life forever? The Hobbit, by J.R.R Tolkien is an adventure story, written in 1937. It is a story of resourcefulness, heroism and the character development of Bilbo Baggins. It brings to life the struggles and triumphs of three adventurers in their quest to help Thorin regain the title of the King Under the Mountain. The story starts in the Shire, a small town full of circumspect Hobbits. One day, Bilbo is given the opportunity to join a man named Gandalf on a dangerous quest that is sure to change his life. With the idea of an adventure dangling as bait to the timid and curious …show more content…

The novel, The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien shows many powerful themes. One of, if not the most important theme of this book, is Bilbo's character development over the course of the story, because through the progression of the adventure Bilbo's character not only becomes smart, decisive, and resourceful but because of this he is able to overcome countless obstacles that expose the true hero he really …show more content…

The themes of Bilbo’s resourcefulness, heroism, and the characterization of Bilbo Baggins are beneficial to the story for a multitude of reasons. The theme of Bilbo’s resourcefulness is important because it teaches us as readers that even when faced with adversity and thrown into a situation far away from one’s comfort zone, perseverance can overcome anything. This is closely in conjunction with the theme of bravery and courageousness because these are the most common themes found throughout the book. Heroism is a behavior exhibited more often than not by just about every character in the book. Heroism is important in this book due to the fact that one of the more or less morals of the story is that no matter who may be suddenly hurled into the face of danger and adversity, anything is overcomeable. This theory is really proven by Bilbo over the course of the book. This is why another very important theme is the character of Bilbo. The main theme of the story is Bilbo’s characterization because we see him change so dramatically as a character from the beginning to the end of the book. His travels across Middle Earth consist “of his adventures Bilbo finds the greatest prize of all: a knowledge of his own identity” (Dorothy Matthews 3). In the very start of the story we envision him as a weaker and much more dull of a person. However, Bilbo’s triumphs

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