Examples Of Foreshadowing In The Protagonist

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The protagonist in this novel is Jacob Barnes. He is the protagonist because he is the main character and he is also the one narrating the novel. Jacob is for sure a believable character because since he is telling the story, the reader gets to know his thoughts and feelings. The reader also gets to see what adventures he and his friends go on. They also can picture what everything looks like by having the main character describe the scenery around him in his own eyes.
The antagonist in this novel is Robert Cohn. Although at the beginning of the novel Jacob and Robert were friends, it did not last very long. After Robert escaped with Brett for a weekend getaway, their friendship started to go downhill. Robert Cohn is …show more content…

When Robert finds out that Brett, the girl who everyone is in love with, has went away with the bullfighter, named Pedro Romero, a fist fight starts between Mike, Jake, and Robert. A few days after the fight, Robert leaves Pamplona. This event alerts the reader that this is the start of the resolution. It also indicates that things for the characters might actually start getting better.
An example of foreshadowing in this novel is how the bulls in the bullfights act. How the bulls act foreshadows how the characters in the story act. This is also at the same time irony because it is ironic for the author to have the characters go to a bullfight when he is using the bulls to represent how the characters act toward each other. By having the characters go to many bullfights, it gives the reader hints to the foreshadowing. I did not realize this was foreshadowing till after I was finished reading the novel.
One theme of this novel is love. Even though Jake and Brett have strong feelings for each other, they can not be together. This just goes to show the reader that you can not always have what you

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