Examples Of Dope In Romeo And Juliet

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Dope is Dope (A Discussion of the Friar Lawrence Speech of Romeo and Juliet) Most people think of drugs as a bad thing. When they hear the word, they think of cocaine, meth, tobacco, and other harmful materials. But what about antibiotics? They save lives every day, and still are drugs. In Shakespeare’s time, there were no ‘bad’ drugs, only good ones. That doesn’t mean, of course, that they always came from good things. Dope, one of the most powerful medicines of the time, came from a flower, which, if ingested, was the most potent poison in the world. In this essay, it shall be discussed how Friar Lawrence's speech in Romeo and Juliet teaches us that beauty can hide death, that good can come from bad, and that what you have been does not always define what you are. …show more content…

The dope flower, like any flower, is pretty to look upon. If people were to go on looks alone, it would be perfectly harmless, beneficial, even, to one’s health. Do not be fooled by the facade, however. If ingested, the flower will kill you very quickly, and no medicine can reverse the effects. It is much the same for Roseline; she is pretty to look upon, but poisons Romeo’s mind with want, making him mopey and forlorn. The second thing the famous speech of Romeo and Juliet teaches us is that good can come from something bad. As aforementioned, the flower is deadly; yet when properly prepared, it has some of the greatest healing qualities as was yet to be seen in that time period. Without the bad, there would never have been the good. This theme is continued with the events that lead up to Romeo meeting Juliet. Because of a bad thing, his love of Roseline, a good thing occured, being him seeing Juliet for the first

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