Examples Of Divine Right Of Kings In Macbeth

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The Divine Right Of Kings In Macbeth King James I said “The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth: for kings are not only God's Lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself they are called Gods”. During the 1600’s people believed in “The Divine Right Of Kings”, many people believed that kings are considered Gods and anything were to happen to them nature will be disrupted until the rightful owner is back on the throne. The Divine Right of Kings is shown throughout the play Macbeth. This is displayed through the destruction of Macbeth, how nature is disrupted, and how Malcom takes back his rightful throne which then leads to nature being restored. The greatest sin you could ever commit in the 1600’s …show more content…

In the Divine Right of Kings when the rightful king is not on its throne chaos will be dispelled until someone worthy is back on the throne. This is shown in Macbeth through the disruption of sleep, animals acting unnatural, and the weather being terrible in Scotland. Sleep is considered a natural order in Macbeth and if anything were to happen to it than it means nature is disrupted. Sleeping is when the mind is the clear and resting. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can not sleep due to the guilt they feel of the murdering Duncan. Macbeth says “Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep,' the innocent sleep” (Shakespeare 2.2.32-33). Also near the end of the novel Lady Macbeth calls for a doctor because she is sleepwalking and recalling the memory of Duncan. Secondly, there is an old man that explains what has happened to nature since after Macbeth has taken the throne. The old man represents everyone else in the country and what they see. The old man tells Ross “On Tuesday last, A falcon, tow'ring in her pride of place, Was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed.”(Shakespeare 2,4,15-17). A falcon is one of the most strongest birds in the world and got preyed and killed by a single owl. Owls only hunt insects and rats while falcons are the predators. They eat birds and any kind of meat they can find. This is a hint at the change of nature in Macbeth. …show more content…

Someone like Macbeth can not be a good king as he is destructive. Since Duncan is considered the rightful king from the gods and had already chosen his successor which is, Malcolm. Then Malcolm is the one that will restore nature and stop the chaos caused by Macbeth. Malcolm and Macduff bring back a army to fight Macbeth with the help of the witches which they tricked Macbeth into thinking no one could stop him. The witches tell him “Be violent, bold, and firm. Laugh at the power of other men, because nobody born from a woman will ever harm Macbeth”(Shakespeare 4,1,81-83). This quote makes Macbeth drop his guard because everyone is from women born, except there is a twist with Macduff. As Malcolm and Macduff’s army begin to defeat Macbeth’s army they go inside the castle to kill Macbeth. Macduff has found Macbeth and is going to go kill him, but Macbeth remembers that no one women born can harm Macbeth so he tells Macduff “Thou wast born of woman. But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn, Brandished by man that’s of a woman born.” This is when Macduff reveals that he wasn’t born naturally but he was born through C-section. This is when Macbeth starts to fear for his life and begins to fight Macduff. As natural order Macduff has killed Macbeth and Malcolm takes back his throne to please the gods. Order is now restored and nature is also

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