Examples Of Direct Characterization In The Crucible

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Characterization is the process by which the author reveal the personality of a character. Characterization can be created in two different ways: direct and indirect characterization. Direct characterization is when the author tells the readers what a character is like. Indirect characterization is based on clues from the story, the reader decides what a character is like. Indirect characterization can come from what the character says/does, what the character thinks, what others say about the character, and the character’s physical appearance. In the story, “The Crucible”, John Proctor is thought to be a sinful person because he does not know all of the commandments and sometimes plows on Sundays. The author does not reveal this to the readers directly but tells them what others have been saying about him. Readers can also learn that Proctor is quite prideful. His main goal was to save Elizabeth from hanging, but when Danforth gave him a deal that would save Elizabeth he did not take it. Proctor was too proud to take the deal. Also when Proctor confessed to seeing the devil, his pride got in the way from saving his life. He did not want his name to be slandered. A lot of readers thinks that Abigail Williams …show more content…

Subtext is the unspoken or less obvious meaning or message in a literary piece. For example, Danforth was a powerful and proud man. Danforth had all the power to chose if a person is guilty or innocent. He thought he did a good thing to convict those people of witchery. Towards the end of the story, Danforth starts to realize that he was wrong about the people of Salem. He had the power to end the witch trials, but he did not because he did not want to be proven wrong. He was too proud and did not want the slander his name. Danforth choice to not end the trials ended a lot of people’s lives. The moral of this is that if people only think of themselves it can take a negative effect on other

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