Examples Of Corruption Of Power In Macbeth

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21 Century Macbeth

The corruption of power in today’s world can harm many people and things it come in contact with. For example, Donald J Trump. A man guided by his own self interest, who cares about only himself and power. Another iconic piece of corruption of power is at least one of the best plays Sir William Shakespeare has made….Macbeth. In Macbeth Corruption of power is a key thing that people often fall into when they are given a taste. Like relating back to what I was saying earlier about Donald J Trump, he gave into power too easily and he let the power manipulate him and his decisions. In this essay, I will be talking about how the corruption of power and its affects on us in today's society. Using proof from the Macbeth play, …show more content…

so relating to that, it’s like basically me giving you power over this certain amount of people, and that power will get to your head, through your thoughts, and will drive you to be a power hungry person. A quote that backs up what I am talking about was made by an important character Macbeth's wife, Lady Macbeth. She says , “ look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. ( Act 1 scene 5 line 72-73). This is a significant quote made by Lady Macbeth because, it represents power perfectly. For example, when she talks about being like the flower, it can be interpreted for power being this beautiful thing that everyone wants, but the next line of the quote talks about power actually being disguised as a serpent. Now back then in Macbeth era where the story takes place, it talks about how the snake is an unholy creature/devil, or being very shady in its ways. This quote really demonstrates the reality of power in our society today. A Quote from John Steinbeck talks about, it's not that power corrupts people it is the fear of losing that power that corrupts people and when I first saw this quote I was a little like blown back that the corruption of power does not have an actual people and now it's the fear that corrupt the people. So in this case power corrupts a person's fear

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