Examples Of Bravery In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Because bravery demonstrates courageous acts or behavior, only a handful of people possess the quality. In To Kill A Mockingbird numerous characters display true bravery. The three characters that these courageous abilities have touched include Atticus, Link Deas, and Boo Radley. Atticus exhibits true bravery by standing up for a different colored person when nobody else would. Link Deas defends Helen from harassment of Bob Ewell. Boo Radley rushes out of his house which he hasn’t left in a long time to rescue two random kids. The three characters did this because they possess true bravery. Not just anyone without true bravery would attempt these courageous acts. It’s not easy to stand up for a person who has never given anything. It takes …show more content…

An example could be lawyers wouldn’t defend African Americans unless you were the unlucky one to receive the case. Not just any lawyer would stand up for a black man or women unless they had to. Atticus did but it wasn’t easy for him he feels that “every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally” (Lee 101). Tom Robinson had the wonderful Atticus stand up and defend him when nobody else would. Atticus demonstrates that he has true bravery by defending somebody that was practically undefendable and he almost wins the case. Atticus exhibits True bravery for Tom Robinson but this didn’t stop racial accusations on Tom Robinson’s wife.

If one of your co-workers was taking the longer route to work just because she was a different colored would you ask her why? I bet you wouldn’t. In To Kill A Mockingbird Link Deas defends Helen against Bob Ewell. Link Deas showed that he had true bravery by walking Helen home and telling Bob “stay away from my cook or I’ll have you up for assault” (lee 334) . Link Deas showed that he wasn’t gonna have any of his co-workers harassed just because there color. Link Deas indicates that he was brave enough to walk home Helen and yell at Bob Ewell, but Bob did not take this too

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